Chapter Eight

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Around four O' clock pm and Preslie was staring down at the ground. The room was still empty, Jude hadn't entered the room knowing she needed her alone time and needed to get ready for Church. After a few moments of silence staring at the ground, she got out of the zone and back to reality. She got up and took a black shawl on her way out of the bedroom. The house was like a ghost town, no one was to be spotted, not a soul. She went down the stairs as she had her hand on the rail as she walked down slowly. She reached to the bottom of the stairs and went across the lobby room to the main entrance doors. She took one more look around the dead place and then opened the door leaving the Kelling's residence.

She was planning to meet her older sister, Julie, her brother-in-law and their two kids at Church. Even though, Julie's husband, Richmond Hilton, wasn't raised in a religious family, he became one after attending to their old Church in their hometown for the first time and he seemed to participate in the mass. Preslie decided to walk there since the Church she was meeting her sister and her family wasn't far. She finally arrived at the Church being greeted by the door opener as mass was about to start.

Preslie made her way into the Church and looked around for her sister and her family as she knew they would be waiting for her in one of the pews. After searchig for about a minute, she spots them just a few rows near the back of the Church. Julie looked into her younger sister's watered eyes knowing something horrifying happened. She gave her three month old baby to her husband to hold as she opened her arms to her sister to comfort her. Preslie didn't cry, but she did tear up and did her best to hold it in all through mass. After mass was finished, Preslie, her sister and her family walked out together so Preslie herself could update them with the news. After it was heard from her lips, Julie gasped as she put a hand over her mouth. She didn't say anything and she hugged her sister keeping her in the hug for a few second to confort her some more not imaging how much she's been through. After the silence, Julie let go. "How's Catherine?" Preslie asked changing the subject.

"She's doing quite well," Julie answered as she noded her head.

"That's very good to hear." Preslie gave a slight smile. "And Eddie?"

"He's doing good also, just struggling with not having his parents by his side to watch him grow and have them be here for him, it's been tough." Julie sighed after replying.

"And the others?" Preslie asked wanting the updates of how her siblings were doing.

Julie sighed again, "Well, Issac has finally found himself a woman and is doing just fantastic, has a good job that pays well, and the woman is religious just like we are. As for Suzanne, she is going through a lot and is indeed depressed, she wants to see you." Julie said her last sentence as she raised her eyes up to Preslie.

"You forgot one more, Matthew." Preslie reminded her sister.

"Oh, yes, him," Julie laughed as she clapped her hands once. "He's doing the best out of them all, he is doing well in advance with his priesthood. Everyone there is nice and he really likes the people there. So, that's a win-win." Julie said as she smiled very happily for her brother's future.

They started walking to Julie and Richmond's house as they talked about life. It got quiet for a few minutes until Julie broke the silence. "With everything I've done for you guys, I feel as much as appreaciated and I love my life as a wife and mom of three. I couldn't have picked another great life, this one is the life I've choosen, right?"

With where Julie was going with everything, Preslie wasn't understanding what her sister was saying. "What do you mean exactly? I mean I know you wouldn't change this life for another, but where are you going with this?" She asked

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