Too Clingy?

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Anxiety sighed as he sat on the couch in the lounge of Thomas' mind. He was frowning, well that was to no surprise to anyone, except this time he was frowning because he felt... kind of lonely.

Thomas was making a video and he really had no use being in it. But Morality, Logic, and even Prince were all there with him. Thomas' mind was quiet when no one was around... normally he'd be begging for silence thinking that it would be so much better if he at once had a moment of peace.

But right now the silence was defending. All it reminded him of was how perpetually alone he was.

Alone, isolated, forsakened, abandoned, rejected, outcast, unwanted, unloved...

All these words circled in he mind as he curled up into a tight ball, hiding his face in his knees surrounded by the complete quietude. Letting the darkness that he had felt so often surround him.

He suddenly jumped when a loud noise sounded. And by loud noise he meant the vexing voice of none other than prince.

"Greetings Anxiety!" Said valiant man exclaimed.

And just like that Anxiety was engulfed in an embrace.

"How is my little black-cloud of gloom?" Prince asked a bright smile on his face. It flattened slightly when Anxiety pulled away from him.

"Please don't call me that, and not great, but what else is new?" Anxiety crossed his arms looking to the side stubbornly?

"Awe what ever is wrong?" The fanciful side of Thomas now full on frowned.  He then looked at his boyfriend poking him on the cheek. "Was my dark-chocolate-cupcake lonely, did he miss me when I was gone?" His lips curved into a smirk.

"No. Seriously stop with the annoyingly weird pet names. They make me want to vomit." Anxiety crinkled his face in annoyance and slapped his hand away. "What are you doing back here anyway? Shouldn't you be finishing the video with the others?"

"I came back early to see you." The smirk hadn't left his face. "So we could have some time alone."

Anxiety felt a rare blush, and was happy his pale makeup was hiding it. "Why the hell would you want to be with me alone? I know I'm your boyfriend, but it doesn't mean you have to drag yourself to spent time with me." He looked over to see Prince actually looking genuinely upset, so he sighed again feeling kind of guilty. "Okay yeah so maybe I was feeling a little alone..." he trailed off his voice growing quiet. "But like I said... what else is new..?"

"Awe, honey I do not want you to ever feel lonely." Prince grabbed him pulling him into his lap, and wrapping his arms around him from behind. "Not while I am here."

"Ugh you're too clingy." Anxiety grumbled slouching his shoulders, but secretly he was enjoying the automatic warmth Prince brought him. Prince's touch felt safe... like he could stay with it forever. He felt as though when in it he didn't have to worry too much. It was the only time Anxiety never felt... well anxious.

"Maybe." Prince rested his chin on Anxiety's shoulder, whispering to him. "But I don't exactly see you resisting all that much."

"Shut up pretty boy..." The other personification muttered feeling that small blush come back to his cheeks.

"And you say my pet names are annoying." Prince murmured through a chuckle. He suddenly tightened his grip slightly. "Seriously though, you know I will always be here for you. You do not have to sulk all by yourself whenever it is you feel alone. As your significant other it is my duty to be there to save you from any darkness, or beasts that may plague you."

Anxiety rolled his eyes at his way of wording things so magnificently, and always being the dramatic one. But he didn't say anything about it and instead felt himself sinking into him. "Yeah I know that Princey... thank you."

"You are very welcome." Prince smiled kissing the top of his head. "And I love you."

Anxiety felt a small smile tug at his lips. "Love you too, pretty boy."

Hey guys, I knows that this was like really short, but I'll have so,e longer ones in the future. I just recently became completely obsessed with this ship. It's flipping adorable even if a little weird XD. Hey if Thomas is fine with it then so should you. I'm very excited to write more so thank you for your support. Vote and comment, bye!

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