Can't understand

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Anxiety was desperately trying to get to his room in time. He didn't at all want anyone to witness his attack. He just wanted to break down in the comfort of his contradictory black isolated room... all alone.

He felt his fingers grip onto the sleeves of his black hoodie so tightly that he could start to feel the minor sharp poke of his nails through the cloth. His breathing was becoming irregular, his knees shook as he walked, and thoughts swirled around in his head making it feel impossible to find any light in his current situation.

You're just a burden...
A mistake...
You're always the bad guy... the evil villain in Thomas' story...
You're useless...
Just a flaw that no one wants or needs...
A bad emotion better off just not existing at all...
You can't do anything right...
You achieve nothing... and you never will...
No one wants you around...
You ruin everything...
You deserve to be alone...
You deserve to disappear...
Life for everyone would be better if you did...
You are all of these things, and it's all your own fault!

He shook his head desperately, squeezing his eyes shut and walking faster. He made it to the hall thanking whoever is holy that he was close now.

That thankfulness went away quickly when he had to stop because a door opened, and none other than prince walked out of his own room. "Oh, greetings Anxie-" He cut himself off widening his eyes as he looked at him properly. "Woah, are you alright? You look unwell." He stared in concern at the boy in front of him who was shaking immensely, and breathing heavily. He was paler that usual, if that was possible, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed to look even worse.

"I-I..." anxiety could hardly speak. He wanted to just say he was fine and quickly bow out, but he couldn't bring himself to speak. In fact he was cursing himself for stopping, because now his legs refused to even move. "N-no... I'm not O-okay!" He felt his knees giveaway and he slowly shrank to the floor, curling up slightly, rocking back forth, and starting to hyperventilate.

Prince physically flinched, panicking slightly at his breakdown. "Oh my. Y-you're experiencing and attack aren't you?"

"Great j-job deducing th-that one Einstein..." Anxiety tried to sound bitter, but it came out as small in his current state.

"I-I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm supposed to do." Prince shifted awkwardly.

"J-just g-go away!" Anxiety shouted weakly.

"I can't just leave you like this..." prince trailed off.

Anxiety didn't say anything to that he just curled up more trying to keep the tears from creeping out as he trembled.

Prince kneeled down next to him. "It's going to be okay calm down."

"I-I can't exactly j-just do that! I-I can't just calm down!" Anxiety yelled letting his emotions make him lash out. "Y-you can't understand, you can't!"

"I know you're right, but just...breathe." He placed a hand on Anxiety's. "Try to take deep breaths, in and out."

Anxiety tried his best to follow Prince's breathing.

"There you go that's it." Prince let a small smile graced his lips. His fingers laced between Anxiety's as he squeezed it in comfort.

Anxiety opened his eyes letting his gaze fall to their hands. He had felt his hand stop shaking at the contact. He let his fingers wrap around his in return. Warmth spread through his hand... a comforting warmth... a calming warmth... He didn't quite understand how something as simple as another person's touch could calm emotions nothing could ever calm before. No one ever could before, so why was Prince so special?

But he felt as though it wasn't enough his hand had stopped shaking and his dangerous breathing calmed slightly, but he still felt overwhelmed. He couldn't help but wonder: If something as simple as holding hands could do that much, then could something else do more?

He didn't decide to wait and see he forced himself to move from his position, leaning forward and wrapping himself around Prince, causing them to both fall back slightly.

Prince blinked and felt his muscles stiffen at the sudden contact. He was surprised to say the least, and not because he wasn't used to embraces, but he was used to Anxiety's embrace. He never ever ever was this touchy feely. Not to mention the fact that he was the one who initiated it. After a few seconds of shock he let his arms slowly wrap back around him semi-awkwardly.

Anxiety almost immediately felt his whole body start to calm down, and he didn't know why, but he started to cry...

He was even more confused if he was calming down why had he started to cry? Was it..?

feeling like he wasn't alone...
feeling worth while
Feeling loved..?

He had never experienced any of this before, or at least if he had, he couldn't remember, or it was so small it would go away seconds later, but now he felt like he'd never forget it.

He started to cry a little harder.

Prince sat up so they were in a slightly more comfortable position and hugged him tighter.

Anxiety listened to the sound of both of their hearts beating quickly as he sniffled, feeling his hands grip the cloth of Prince's shirt.

"See anxiety." Prince felt himself smile, a strange sense of happiness washing of him. He brought his hand to run through anxiety's hair. "I told you everything would be okay..."



"Thomas son, why did you suddenly start crying?" Morality asked trying to comfort the Thomas who had started to cry in the middle of making a video.

"I-I don't know, I'm just so happy right now." He choked out.

"Crying while feeling immense happiness?" Logic pondered. "Troubling indeed. Watson, the game is on! Let's go!"

"Yes Sherlock!" Morality cheered happily as they both disappeared.

"I just love you all so much!" Thomas said to the camera ignoring his weird sides. "Thank you all so much for giving me the love and support that helps me go on every single day of my life. You have no idea how much you've saved me. Now so I don't turn into a complete mess I'm gonna go. See you later guys gals and non-binary pals, peace out!"

Hey guys, I hope you liked the new oneshot. Awe Thomas in the end XD I had to, like imagine what would be happening to him emotionally in that moment lol. Thanks so much for all the support this book has gotten so far it makes me so happy. Thomas up there spoke the truth for all creators who love their fans/readers/whatever, no matter how big or small, so thank you. Vote and comment, bye!

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