Drowsy (Prinxiety x Logicality special)

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Requested by ScarletNoiryt

"I'm so freaking tiered..." Thomas grumbled as he sat up in his bed. "But I can't freaking sleep... that's it." He walked into the bathroom, flicked on the light and opened up the mirror. He pulled out the prescription bottle of sleeping pills. "You gotta do what you gotta do." He stated before twisting the cap off and taking two with water.

He then returned to his bed and within 15 minutes was out like a light.


Logan was sitting in the living room of Thomas' mind, reading,  when Patton suddenly stumbled into the room and plopped on the couch next to him.

He was face down in the cushions and started to laugh.

Logan watched him strangely and put his book to the side. "Patton... are you quite alright?"

"Yup!" He shot up to a sitting position popping the p. "I'm just grandly dandy!" He laughed again swaying back and forth slightly.

"Oh no, don't tell me Thomas took those sleeping pills..." Logan sighed. "I told him they were only for emergencies."

"Really, is that why I feel so drooooowsy~" he held out the word and giggled again. "How come you weren't affected then Logan~."

"It seems to only affect those not well rested." Logan replied straightening his glasses.

"Whelp! I did have a lot of nightmares last night!" Morality chirped like it was the happiest subject in the world. He then yawned big before taking his glasses off, carefully putting them to the side, and leaning forward throwing his arms around Logan.

"Patton!" Logan scolded trying to push him off.

"Noooooo I want hugs... Logan hugs...." Patton complained embracing him again.

"Ugh, why me?" Logan asked in slight annoyance.

"Because I wuv Logan hugs." He replied with a pout.

"Fine." Logan loosely wrapped his arms around the other. "But just for a short amount of time." His tone then turned sarcastic. "Is there anything else you may desire?"

Patton giggled and smirked at Logan. "Bad Logan, you shouldn't ask that~"

"I don't get what your implying." Logan shrugged.

"Never mind!" Patton sighed exaggerating the d at the end. "You know there is one more thing I want."

"What is that?" Logan asked simply.

"I want kisses." Patton replied.

Logans face flushed red. "Wh-what?!"

"I want kisses. Logan kisses." Patton smiled innocently.

"No way." Logan looked away clearing his throat.

"Awe~ but I want 'em~" Patton wined. He then looked down tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "I want Wogan kisses..." he sniffled.

"No no no no don't cry, come on Patton." Logan panicked not knowing how to really deal with feelings.

"Wogan kisses." Patton continued to be upset.

"Alright alright." Logan Logan built up the courage to push Patton's bangs back and place his lips to his forehead. "There."

Patton giggled happily. "More, more!"

Logan's face continued to burn red. "Patton... no."

Patton frowned again. "But don't you want to?"

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