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Roman was quite an honest guy. After all he was a prince, you probably couldn't find a more noble trustworthy man around. However, there was one secret Prince had kept from everyone. One he himself didn't even fully understand.

He liked it when Anxiety laughed...
Or even just smiled...

Even the boy's smirk was enough to make Roman's heart flip. Every time he saw it he'd melt inside. He'd be overwhelmed with some sense of happiness.

A feeling that he contained out of fear, but made him want to jump from joy at the very moment those lips turned upwards and a small sound, even if just barely imitating happiness or humor, escaped from them.

He remembered the first time he'd seen the sight. Anxiety laughed at a joke he made calling Morality and Logan nerds.

Roman had tried to play off the new strange feeling by being defensive and insulting him with a considerably 'emo' store name, and then Anxiety replied with:
"Awe you think I'm hot"

Which by the way only made prince feel even stranger.

Anxiety only smiled and or laughed minuscule amounts after that. And prince well honestly...

He couldn't get enough of it...

Literally, because it almost NEVER happened. And even when it did it wasn't even something that could be considered a chuckle, or it be almost too small to see.

So prince knew what his new goal was going to be. He was going to make Anxiety laugh. As much as he could as much as he had to just to see it. He was determined to make it happen... and maybe even decipher some of his feelings in the process...


Prince walked into the lounge of Thomas' mind hearing Anxiety in there.

"Greetings Anxiety!" He said enthusiastically.

"Hi..?" Anxiety seemed confused by his excitement to see him.

Prince cleared his throat. "What do you call a guy with a rubber toe?"

"What?" Anxiety's confusion only grew.

"What do you call a guy with a rubber toe?" Roman repeated nonchalantly.

"I don't know..." Anxiety replied giving him a weird look.

"RoberTO!" Prince replied.

Anxiety blinked back at him but other than that had no reaction. "You've been hanging around Morality too long." He muttered before walking away.

Damn, to no prevail! Roman cursed to himself.


The next day Roman found Anxiety in the kitchen making a pizza for himself.

"Hello anxiety." He greeted. "What's a frat boy's favorite element?"

"Not again..." Anxiety let out a breath in annoyance. "I don't know, what?"

"Bromine." Prince smiled proudly.

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