A rescue

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Requested by WingDingsSansGaster this is supposed to mostly comical just so you know... mostly some of its serious I guess XD.

"Logan what in the actual Hell are you doing? Where are we?" Anxiety grumbled in monotoned anger.

"I am conducting an experiment." He replied simply. "And as for where we are currently, well we are in a simulation of mine. A world I decided to create in Thomas' mind to do research into my specific topic."

"So... you brought me to some fairytale castle tower?" Anxiety seemed utterly confused. "Why? What kind of experiment is this, and why didn't you ask me to come with you instead of forcefully bringing me here?"

"Because I knew you would refuse no matter how I tried to convince you. Besides it makes the situation I'm trying to stimulate that much more realistic." Logic answered.

"For someone who likes to talk and explain things in very long and descriptive ways, you're being awfully vague." Anxiety grumbled in annoyance. "All I want to know is why the hell you kidnapped me and locked me in a freaking tower!"

"All will be answered soon my young pupil." He said quite philosophically and then left making sure the door was unpenetrable form the inside.

Anxiety banged on the door a bit feeling more vexed than actually angry. He just wanted to be in his room doing nothing all day. This place was too sunny, and felt strange. "Logan come on just let me out!" He shouted through the door. "This has got to be illegal even inside Thomas' mind."

He didn't get any sort of response.

He sighed moving over to the small window and resting his elbows on it as he gazed outside. He squinted in frustration as the cursed sunlight shone on his face. He looked around feeling the slight breeze blow his hair back slightly. The tower had to be about five or six stories up, and there were no close by trees or anything he could have possibly used to climb out. Not that he'd even know where to go when he did. His surroundings outside looked like a scene straight out of the movie Tangled.

He let out another exasperated sigh closing the curtains, which still let in a little light, the useless silky bastards, and walked over plopping onto the bed. At least it was super comfortable the only good thing about this place so far. He laid back on the pillows looking up at the ceiling, waiting.

Absolutely bored...


"Prince, prince it's horrible! Absolutely horrible!" Morality screamed as he ran up to the fanciful side of Thomas.

"Morality?" Prince seemed surprised by the usual cheerful personification's panic. "Whatever could be the matter?"

"Anxiety is gone!" Morality screeched. "The door to his room was open so I went in and everything was a mess. I think someone took him! They left this." He held out a piece of parchment paper.

Prince took it and unfolded it letting his eyes scan over the writing.

Dear prince,
We have met many times in the past as you battled me to save the hand of a helpless prince or princess. But I wonder now how you will react when I tell you I have taken something (or someone for that matter) a bit more precious to you. Even if you refuse to admit the boy of doom and gloom means something to you I know it's a lie, I have been watching. Hasten to your friend's side little prince because I am very bored and don't like to wait. If you aren't here in time I don't even know what I may do to him. See you soon, hopefully.
The non-gender-specific evil fairytale villain.

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