Chapter 14

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Omg, I'm updating!? Praise the lord! I started thinking that this story is way to much like others I know of so I took a little break trying to think of some ideas to make it more original. So don't worry, I've got new ideas and a new chapter. Yay!

Aphmau's pov

Well, who new I'd die plummeting thousands of feet of the ground with Max smacking Sky upside the head trying to wake him. I sure hadn't seen this coming, though I have to admit, death came faster than I thought. Sort of like the ground in this situation. I closed my eyes tight, hugging Sky. "Thanks for everything" I whispered, tears streaming down
my face.

"What the hell are you talking about" Max yelled next to me. "All he's done is annoy the crap out of us!"
My head whipped up, immediately getting defensive over my friend. "How dare you" I yelled over the howling wind. "He has done so much for us! He just saved our lives Max.  Saved your life." I put emphasize on the word "your." Max looked at Sky, sighing. "I guess, all though he's an idiot and crazy, he's my best friend." I smiled at him, just as we were about to hit the ground, slowly closing my eyes. "That's better."

Than the ground came like a train..........a really squishy train? My eyes flew open. "Ew" I heard Max say next to me. I looked down and saw that we had landed on thousands of cupcakes. The frosting had splattered on us and stained our clothing. Okay, now I know why Max said ew. I heard shuffling and turned around to see Sky's limp body being lifted by two Siberian Huskies. What in the name of Irene is happening!? I slowly laid back down, staring at the clear, desert sky. "I've gone insane, after all these years" I mumbled. "About time" Max said next to me.

I heard a small, childish giggle. A girls head popped up above me, her smile bright and eyes shining. "You're not insane, just wowed by my amazing magic" she said cockily. I looked her up and down. She was wearing a very stylish purple sweater with some shorts. Her long, thick hair shined, dyed light-ish purple, she reminded me of some one but I couldn't remember who.

"Jeez, so modest" Came some other voice I didn't recognize. I turned around to see a girl petting the huskies, smiling at the purple haired girl. She had long, dark brown hair. She was wearing a blue and white stripped shirt, jeans, and light brown army boots. I recognized her from somewhere too! Now the question is, where?

Then, I heard Max gasp. I looked over at him, seeing that he was........fangirling? Or is it fanboying? I don't care, I just know this has never happened before and probably never will again. "I know you" he practically screamed. "You're two of the past amulet holders. You control sweets and baked goods" he pointed at the purple haired one "and you control canines" he pointed at the one petting the dogs. Oh my Irene, of course! It was my two idols, Stacy and Tiffany aka Stacyplays and IhasCupquake.

Stacy stood up, smiling, and took a bow. Maxes face turned from excitement to confusion. "But you guys are like, from thousands of years ago. How are you still alive." Stacy shook her head slowly. "Look at the edges of us" I looked where she told me to and saw that it looked sort of wispy, shiny, and see through if you squinted. Tiffany started laughing, shaking her head like Stacy. "We're dead of course. But we were bored and saw you guys needed some help, so we came down and, well, helped!" Max cocked his head. "I don't think that's how after life is supposed to work." Tiffany giggled. "Maybe not for regular people, but holders get privileges."

Stacy stood up and pointed a direction, her dogs going that way carrying Sky. "We're gonna be staying with you guys for a while, helping." She said, smiling sheepishly. "If you'll have us of course" Max jumped up and ran to her. She laughed and they started talking, slowly walking away. Tiffany looked at me, her eyes filled with excitement. "Lets go save the world.........again!" And with that she was of, raising to catch up with the other two. I chuckled, following them.

Stacy and Tiffanies powers were based of off their personalities and interests. I wonder what mine's going to be.

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