This night was better than the previous one. i fell asleep and I even had a dream, and Thaddeus was in it. I knew it was a dream because he would never love me. Thaddeus is great. How can a guy like him even like a stupid disordered girl like me? I have to admit that I have no chance. Back to business, We all woke up because of the sunlight and we checked the campsite for another mistery letters. Carmencita found one in her backpack, but she didn't want to show us.
Meredith: Carmencita, did you find anything?
Carmencita: Not your business, idiot. Don't you have some crying to do? Or play some stupid pranks with your boss, Cassidy and her other slaves?
Cassidy: They are my friends, not my slaves. If your friendships are based on worshiping for attention and popularity, that is none of my business.
Daniella: Did anyone ask for your opinion? Do you want your ass beaten again?
Cassidy: Try me, bitches.
In the very next moment, their personal assistant Rachel started bugging me so I can't help Cassidy, and Tiffany was doing the same to Sun. Mike got very angry, sat up and took the letter from Carmencita, then slapped the two of them.
Mike: I will keep this letter for later. Come on, guys.
We went back to our place, the one where we were talking yesterday, so we can read the letter in peace. We were looking at each other and we were so quiet that we could hear voices from the campsite, until Mike spoke.
Mike: Does anyone want to read it aloud? Shall I?
Thaddeus: Go on, Michael.
Mike *reading the letter*: Let me play you and I will kill whoever you want. Come into the forest tonight. If you don't, I will kill one of your friends instead.
Norbert: Is that bitch stupid? She wanted to kill one of us?
Mike: Killing Cassidy and getting some dick. Combo for Carmencita.
Meredith: Wait, give me the letter. The forest? Tonight? Wanna go?
Thaddeus: It might be dangerous.
Cassidy: I'm in.
Madeline: Deus is right, it is dangerous going there at night.
Thaddeus: And you don't know what psycho will show up.
Meredith: We already have Cass.
Cassidy: You are damn right girl. FUCK.
Audrey: What?
Cassidy: I'm out of cigarettes. Can anyone borrow me one?
None of us had the cigarettes, but Cassidy knew how to get them. She told us to follow her to something she calls "a shop". Can there be any shop on that site? She took us back to the damaged bus, she got in on the vent, while we were peeking at what she was doing.
Cassidy: Mrs Halle was a smoker, right?
Audrey: Yes. What are you doing? I am really scared.
Cassidy found mrs Halle's body and took the cigarettes from her bag, and her bag as well.
Cassidy: To my surprise, mrs Halle is skinny now.
Meredith: Ew, Cass. This is gross. Let's get back.
Cassidy: Thaddeus, Mike, want one?
Mike: Yes, please.
Thaddeus: I'd rather not. I don't usually smoke cigarettes from dead people.
We went back on the campsite and ate something. At some point, I started reading a book I borrowed from Cassidy's backpack. It was a really nice psychological book, talking about mental disorders. Some of us slept the noon, so the time would pass easier. Thaddeus talked to me about how my knee was feeling, and he said that he is glad he could help me. After that, he was saying some other think, but I didn't listen because I was too busy staring at his face. I was just nodding my head and saying things like "yes", "I agree", "mhm", "nice" so it would seem like I pay attention. Time passed, Cassidy had another argument with those whores, but, this time, with no fight, Sun kept talking about how much she loves Xander, Maddie and Norbert were pretending not to like each other, Mike was talking about some funny meme and Audrey was making us feel better. I think we will live in this continuous routine by now. I can't complain, because I will see Thaddeus for the rest of my life. Anyway, when the moon replaced the sun, we took our phones, which still had some batteries and some lanterns, and headed straight to the forest as soon as everyone else was asleep. That forest was so quiet that we could only hear our breathes. It was just us: me, Cassidy, Thaddeus, Sun, Audrey, Mike, Norbert, Madeline.
Mike: Come, come, wherever you are, pedophile rapist.
Meredith: Shut up Mike. He won't show up if he will hear you.
Mike: I am a minor, he is a pedo. He will show up.
Norbert: What if he isn't gay?
Audrey: Guys I saw a shadow.
Thaddeus: That's your shadow, dumbass.
Audrey: Then why is it more than 5 meters away? Let's split!
Cassidy: Okay, we are 8. We can go two by two, so we are everywhere. Me and Sun go to the right, Audrey and Mike in the opposite direction. Thaddeus, you and Meredith stay right here. I don't want her to move and get hurt at her knee. Norbert and Maddie, go straight in the front. This forest is small, I came here to smoke once. Use your lanterns if anything happens. Meet you back there when the you see the sun. RUN!
I would believe anything Cass says, but I cannot believe she wanted me and Thaddeus to stick together because of my knee. I love Cassidy but she should've stayed. Sun and her are girls and I am really scared.
Thaddeus: Are you alright, Edith?
Meredith: Not at all. I am worried. Cass and Sun are girls and I wouldn't forgive myself if that possible psycho would hurt them.
Thaddeus: If Mike is right and that guy is a pedophile, he will just rape them. I know Cassidy and she will probably bite him and run.
Meredith: Maybe you are right..
The next thing I know is that we saw a light, and we went after it. We were walking slow because that stupid ache stroke me again. At some point, I found myself alone. I started screaming for Thaddeus, but he was nowhere to be found. I fell down, because of the pain in my knee. I was all alone. I didn't even have the power to grab the lantern. While falling, somebody or something caught me. I don't know what it was.

The infinite end
Novela JuvenilHave you ever felt like that's your end, like that's your last day on Earth, like your last day on Earth is an infinite and horrible one? That's the way the almost 30 of us feel. How can something so nice like an excursion end up like a total calva...