Chapter 9- Secret love letters

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Mike and Thaddeus were sharing a cigarette near the forest. They were both talking and joking and laughing about something they call "Male Things" while Xander and Sun were kissing and spending some time together. Me and Audrey were still scared, so we decided to  talk, so we can focus on anything else but what happened. First, we talked about our lives before the accident, and then, we talked about that psychopathic bitch. I remembered when she was sad because he wanted to blackmail her. I didn't understand the reasons, so I decided it's the best to ask her.

Meredith: Audrey, remember that time when you were sad because of that guy blackmailing you? Why was him doing that?

Audrey: Because I am.. I don't know.. I, umm, I have the most potential to be a, umm, how is it called? Leader. I think that's the reason.

Meredith: Audrey.. You know the reason exactly. Tell me, for God's sake! You know I won't tell. Cut the fucking crap, please.

Audrey: Okay.. Edith, you are the one and only who should know this. When I had got out of the bus, a letter fell from my pocket. You know, like those you send during classes, but with love content. Me and Kyle, we where hooking up, before he died. It was wrong, very wrong. That psycho said that if I won't do everything he wants. I don't want people to know that I was head-over-heels for a guy that played girls more than he played football. I am so ashamed, Edith. 

Meredith: Why are you ashamed? You liked him, Audrey. I did worse than this in 16 years of life. You should not feel bad. Look at me. I obsess over a guy I have o chance with. In 2 years I won't even remember his name, you won't, as well.

Audrey: I have something more to confess. Kyle is dead because of me. I think it is a part of the blackmail, because I refused to sleep with him once. 

Mike and Thaddeus were coming so we changed the subject suddenly. We started faking some laughters so we could be more realistic. 

Thaddeus: What's so funny, faggots?

Audrey: We were just gossiping.

Meredith: The two of you are faggots, not us. 

After my words, me and Thaddeus started "fighting" playfully. Audrey and Mike joined us too, and then we started laughing. Sun and Xander went to the campsite, since they both were so tired. The rest of us stayed the night, talking about every single thing possible. The boys made some perverted jokes, me and Audrey fangirled towards some singers we both adore, we talked politics, movies, anything anyone could ever imagined. We even reminded ourselves about some things from the past two years, from the times when we were free and we had a home. Mike told us some stories from the 9th grade, and he mentioned Kyle. Audrey burst in tears when she heard his name, because she still blames herself for his death. Instead of telling the boys, she said that she misses home, so we wrapped around her in a thigh hug. When she calmed, we kept talking about various subjects, until the sun appeared. When everyone was up, Cassidy took the role of a leader, giving us all a speech. 

Cassidy: Okay, bitches, I don't know for how long we are staying here, or if we will ever leave. We are being chased by some psycho guy who had even killed one of us. Whoever he is, whatever he will do to us, we have to stick together. We have to leave this stupid hate between our squads. We have to be closer than ever. We have to prove that psycho that we are stronger than he is. He may be some filthy genius crazy bitch, but we are stronger and we shouldn't let anyone destroy us. Understood?

Daniella: Shut the fuck up, Cassidy. You better obey, or he will kill us all.

Cassidy: He will kill my ass. 

Marcel: Daniella, you are right, but don't pretend to be his side because you and your friend wanted to have him inside you.

Daniella: Shut up, fat kid!

Cassidy: He is right. Now, do you all agree showing strength and union to that guy? This way, he will probably leave us alone, or kill us, either way he won't bother us. 

Everybody agreed, even Daniella and her clones, because she was afraid that Cassidy would beat her again. After that, everyone went back at their business. As walking, I noticed something that was looking like a wire, on Carmencita's back. I told Cassidy, and she wanted to check. She made Carmencita stand up, and lied about her having a bug on her clothes. She started checking and she found a microphone. She mimicked us to hold her, and we did. Me an Sun told her to stand still, and she was trying to move. Her friends noticed, and Cassidy took the microphone, fast. She showed it to everyone, and took attitude.

Cassidy: Since now, those girls are no longer allowed to be a part of us. Daniella, Carmencita, you and your friends have to take your luggage. You can sleep further, or maybe in the bus. Anywhere, but here.

Meredith: Or the forest. We hang out there too.

I suggested the forest because they may know about the bunkers. They all agreed, and the girls moved somewhere next to the bus. Now everything was peaceful. We all started talking about them, it wasn't just the squad this time, but it was fine. When we went to bed, we heard a scream again. We went there to check, and we were all shocked.

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