Breathing And Ticks On A Clock chapter four

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--Betty's POV--
When we got up stairs we didn't know what to do with the ladder, so we just left it there hopefully no one would notice it before Jughead left.
I sat down on my usual side of the bed and motioned for Jughead to sit beside me. When he did he placed his arm around me, I laid my head on his chest.
"I'm not polly, why does my mom keep saying that, she wants to control my life, I hate her. I hate her IM NOT POLLY". Jughead reminded me to be quiet.
"Betty, you're not Polly, you're Betty. And Betty is the sweetest girl I will ever know" a tear ran down my cheek, and I felt a lump in my throat
"Yes" I say wiping the tears from my face.
"Look at me"he says, I look at him, his eyes are a little watery too. He presses his lips on mine, his lips soft as silk. We kiss more passionately, we kiss for about thirty seconds, he slides his hands down my back.
"do you want to betty" he whispers.
"Juggie, I um I don't think I'm ready for that yet, ugh sorry I'm ruining this for you"
"No you're not the last thing I want to do is pressure you into doing something you don't". I smile, "thanks for understanding".
--Jughead's POV--
I woke up, Betty in my arms I looked at the clock 2:32, I just smiled, her in my arms made me so happy. I didn't go back to sleep, not for at least another 30 minutes. I just laid there hearing nothing but Betty's soft breathing and the ticks on the clock.

I woke up noticing Betty was gone, I couldn't risk going out her bedroom door to go find her, so I just had to wait. About five minutes later she came in.
"Alright here's the plan, you climb down the ladder and knock on the door cause I told my mom I invited you over for breakfast"
"Ok will do, but first" I walked over to her kissing her and putting my hands on her waist, I lifted her off the floor spinning her around, then I put her back down and we broke away from the kiss. Her face went red,
"what was that for Jug?"
"Just for you."
And with that I climbed down the ladder.
--Betty's POV--
I was left smiling in my room for the next minute or so, then I heard a doorbell ring
"I'LL GET IT" I yelled running almost tripping down the stairs. I opened it Jughead and I just smiled at each other.
--short time skip to breakfast--
There was a lot of silence, more silence than the noise of forks and plates scraping together until my mom started talking.
"So Jughead, I suppose we have you to thank for Betty's ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom goolishness", he just continued eating.
"Actually mom I was the one who asked Jughead to help my write it for the blue and gold", Alice laughed a fake laugh.
"Relax Betty I'm just making conversation" there was a moment of silence where Jughead and I looked at each other, while he drank orange juice.
"Do you guys have a bathroom I could use" he asks breaking the silence, "sure I'll show you" I say getting up. "No no I'll show him", my mom stands up "follow me" I just feel like strangling her. Jughead gets up and follows my mom, we briefly exchange glances and we half smile at each other.

So this was chapter 4, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it cause I enjoyed writing it. I did the thing where I rewatch the scene and get what people do/say. The fanfic is completely different from the show but I just feel like it's cool. Anyways comments are appreciated, and I hope you guys have a good day💗

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