Chapter 5

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Jamie's POV

'James must have rushed in as soon as he heard me scream. He knew that he had to shoot my father. But where did he get that gun? And how does he know how to shoot it?' I thought a of this absentmindedly while James grabbed a blanket from upstairs for me.

"Hey, Jamie, are you okay?" he said quietly with a reassuring smile. "Not really, I-I can't believe that just happened.." I looked around at my surroundings. My first instinct was to tell James that we needed to call the police. Then I realized that if the police were to come and see this they would suspect us. And my bigger problem, they would probably take me away since my parents are gone. I would have no one to supervise me. But that's how it's generally been for the last 15 years anyway.
'Maybe that wouldn't be so bad," I thought. 'No. I have friends here that I wouldn't trade for the world. I'll sort this mess out. We just have to'
I spoke to him very quickly. "James we need to get out of here. Now."
"What? Why? Shouldn't we address the police?" He said mildly panicked.
"No we need to go now. They'll suspect that you killed these people since you have the gun! And they'll take me away to go live as an orphan, James! An orphan! I won't be able to see my friends again ever. I don't want that for us James. I don't want to be without all of you, and I don't want you becoming a prisoner." I said.
He seemed a little frightened at my sudden burst but he was starting to understand.
"Okay let's leave. We can go to this special place I know of." He said as he started to make his way out of the house.
"James!" I yelled.
"What?!" he yelled back in a whiny voice.
It took all of my strength not to start laughing.
"You uh, forgot the gun." I said more serious.
"Oh, sorry I got it. Now let's get outta hereeeeeeeee."
We made our way to James' special spot and I was skeptical about it once we turned up at the school.
"You ready, Freddy?" He said with a goofy smile on his face.
I giggled. "Why are we at the school James?" I said.
"Oh, my special spot is in the attic. There's only one other person who know about it." He exclaimed.
"Who?" I said curiously.
"Luke Hemmings."

As soon as he said that, I zoned out. Luke of all people. I wonder if Luke would be okay with this.. Well we're going to find out now, I'm guessing.

James had to shake me to get me back down to earth.
"Jamie. Jamieee. Jamie!" Ye yelled in my ear.
"Wha-What??!!" I said loudly.
"We're going inside now. Luke should be upstairs by the way."
My heart was pounding. I shouldn't have been nervous. I had been friends with Luke as long as I could remember. But I still had a major crush on him. 'Does James even know that I know Luke?' I thought to myself.

And by that time, we were already at the attic. It was dimly lit and covered in cobwebs. There were a few blankets and pillows scattered around. Only enough for about 2 people. James and Luke.

I walked farther into the middle of the attic and the floor creaked behind me. I turned around and there stood 6"4' Luke Hemmings. I jumped. I screamed. I wasn't expecting that.
"Hahahahaha!" Luke was doubled over laughing while I was on my butt in complete fear.
"LUKE!!" I yelled.
"Sorry Jamie. But that was hilarious." He managed to choke out while still laughing. I just glared at him.
"So, you two uh know each other? James said from the back.
"Yeah we go way back." Said Luke.
"How long have you guys been friends?" James asked.
"Since we were 3. How long have you known Jamie?"
"Since we were 5."
"HA IVE KNOWN HER LONGER!" Luke exclaimed happily.
"Luke calm down," I laughed.
"Okay, whatever, well we had a reason to be here. Right Jamie?"
"Oh yeah.. Uh Luke we need to tell you something, at least I do."
"Well okay go ahead and say it then." He said slightly worried.

"I-I'm an orphan now.."

Hey guys! I thought this would be a perfect way to end off this chapter! A lil' cliffhanger ya know. Cliff as in Clifford. Haha! Ok I'm not funny Ik 😂 Well I actually really liked this chapter and I hope you guys did too. I'll update again soon enough. See ya! - Dream

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