11 ; who?

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a soft "venus?" woke the fragile lady up. it wasn't exactly a steady sleep, more of a wake up-every-hour kind of rest.

her eyes open to see the door cracked open, a blinding white light shining through. squinting her eyes at this, she held up her right hand to shield them from the bright light.

once venus's eyes adjust to the light, she not only see joji but another man.

he's tall, with think, black glasses and pale skin. he had a navy blue beanie on that hid his hair except for the coffee-brown strains that stuck out.

"she's a good one." is the only think the other man says, and she finds herself stuck in her own mind with responses that didn't seem logical or clear.

"who?" she questions, pointing at the other man weakly, as to ask who he was.

joji raised an eyebrow at venus, staring at her shaking finger before pursing his lips;
"ian," he tells the wide-eyed girl softly, "this is ian. that's venus." he finishes, nodding at me.

her lips part slightly, and her head shifts to the side. why is he here? what did he want?

when can i go home?

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