15 ; leave

429 10 2

my blue eyes slowly opened to the sound of yelling. i knew it was ian and joji; for i assumed no one else was staying in this house except for us three.

"you know why i hit her! she freaked the fuck out!" ian shouted, stomping the floor so hard it shook my ceiling.

"because you killed her fucking mom! i thought we agreed not to, man. she had a mental fucking breakdown!" right as joji spoke those words, the trapdoor opened, and i squinted my eyes to see joji coming down. i immediately laid back down and closed my eyes.

he walked towards me, placing his hands under me and picking me up. i pretended to just wake up, making myself yawn and everything.

"venus, we're leaving. this is inhumane. ian's fucking insane." he whispers. i nod, closing my eyes just incase i started to cry.

just as we opened the door, a loud cough made joji turn around. my eyes snapped open, almost screaming to see a gun pointed at us.

"you're not fucking leaving, you animals!" he screams, clicking the safety off.

i will never leave.

west coast ☆ joji millerWhere stories live. Discover now