‘Middle Schoolers Who Say “I Love You To” Their Boyfriends’
*Disclaimer: This is a rant. If it offends you in any way, please just leave your opinion in the comments. This purely based on opinion and my own thoughts*
People all over the world are constantly using the phrase “I Love You,”. Perhaps the most powerful phrase mankind has ever faced. Mothers say to their children. The children reply back, but of course that is family love. So what does the phrase mean when it comes to getting married?
What bugs me the most is when teenagers, some even pre teens, say this phrase to their boyfriend/girlfriend. I honestly think they are waaaay too young to be saying this. How could they even say that?
12 year olds everywhere say to their boyfriends “I love you,” literally the day after they get together. Trust me, I know people who do that.
Eventually the phrase itself is going to die. It will be another three word sentence that is used on anyone. It has no feeling in the sentence. I dont know about everyone else, but I want a story. Not necessarily a fairytale, but I want to know the guy that im saying “I love you” to is going to say it back with full honesty.
These middle schoolers are talking about something they are completely uneducated about.
And can we just talk about how many middle schoolers are pregnant?! How do they even find out about that stuff? Oh right, our schools our teaching that stuff. Health class was horrifying.
And it seems as if these people who are dating people and using love like it is nothing want to say they are the most mature. I’m sorry but if you can’t stand to be single then you aren’t mature.
having reached an advanced stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult.
Key word: adult.
If you want to reach a stage of mental/ emotional mindset you have to be prepared for the ups and downs. It seems that these days, as soon as they have one fight they are over. It shows how uncomitted they are to the relationship.
Anyways, back to the topic.
There’s a difference between “I Love You” In a caring way, in fact I say this to some of my friends at school, than it meaning “I Love You Babe Just Because You're cute”
The there always those people in school who are like
“I love you!” One day and the next day,
“I hate you” The next.
Little Miss Teen Magazine #1
Non-FictionSo, this is the first ever issue of Little Miss Teen Magazine. We, the writers, wanted to write this magazine to target all the ups and downs in modern day society. We're also hoping for your feedback on it, as well as hearing your problems in our p...