Just remember...
Everyone is different, and everyone has unique experiences that no one else can claim. Even when we are in big groups, each person is focusing on something different, thinking of something different, noticing something different.
That is why every person has a story to tell, and it is why we can learn from every single person. We share our stories with the hope that we can help someone learn what we have learned.
But as much as we have learned, there is so much that we didn't notice. Perhaps the person next to us looked up at just the right time to see something we could not. We listen to others' stories to discover what we have missed.
Many true stories talk about struggles and difficulties and can be very sad. However, true stories can make us laugh as much as cry. They can be as diverse as any fictional story, and can be even more powerful because they are true.
Little Miss Teen Magazine #1
Non-FictionSo, this is the first ever issue of Little Miss Teen Magazine. We, the writers, wanted to write this magazine to target all the ups and downs in modern day society. We're also hoping for your feedback on it, as well as hearing your problems in our p...