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It began by accident. From the moment they met, it was love at first sight. A dangerous, unnatural, and not meant to be, love. Not by a long shot. Despite her deep infatuation and love for Donald Pierce, Zoe feared him. Every day she woke up wondering if today would be the day he killed her. She feared him because he was dead set on destroying anyone like her. A mutant.

Zoe was a student at Georgetown University. The pair met by chance in Washington DC and from there, their attraction for each other was intoxicating. Pierce came from old money and promised to take care of Zoe in every way imaginable. Young, naive, and a past full of nothing but heartache, Zoe seized the opportunity of a better life. After only a week, Pierce had successfully convinced the would be doctor into dropping out of school and moving to Mexico City, Mexico where he had a security type company based. It made no sense, but neither did their love, or Zoe's powers.

Unknown to him, Zoe possessed powers beyond the average human, or even mutant. It was an odd version of keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But Zoe genuinely loves Pierce. She was fully aware of the fact her fairy-tale would come crashing down. She knew one day he would find out. She would slip and he would discover her deepest, darkest secret. Her mind told her to run, but her heart forced her to stay. Leaving now wasn't worth the heartache.

The day began like any other. Zoe was awaken by the alarm beeping on their bedside table. Reaching over and shutting it off, she then turned in Pierce's arms. Her hand crept up from under the blanket and brushed his cheek with the tips of her fingers. Pierce always slept through the alarm without fail. He's a heavy sleeper. This was their normal morning routine. Lifting her head slightly, she gently placed her lips upon his own. He hummed in response as she pulled away.

He stirred and a soft smile graced his face. "I love you." He spoke, still not opening his eyes, only pulling her deeper in his tight grasp. Zoe giggled and playfully pretended to struggle. Despite the fact she's stronger than Pierce could ever imagine. It was all for show.

"We have to get up."

"No..." He pouted, finally opening his bright blue eyes. The eyes Zoe always found herself lost in. "Let's stay in bed all day..." The tips of his bionic fingers trailed up and down her arm gently. Well, as gentle as a bionic hand could.

"Tempting, but no." She smiled. "I need coffee." Forcing his arm off her, she yanked the covers from their bodies causing him to groan. The warmth of his body was greeted with the coolness of their bedroom. This was the same every morning. He hated leaving the bed and starting the day.

"You're lucky I love you." He said, remaining still and watching her move into the large walk-in closet. She returned into the room with fresh clothes not only for herself, but for him.

"Oh, yeah?" She smirked.


She tossed their clothes onto their bed and placed her hands on her hips. "And what would happen if you didn't?"

"I'd have to hurt you." Ain't that the cold hard truth.

Zoe rolled her eyes, but gave his words a quick thought before brushing them away. It was an empty threat. A joke. "Are you going to lay in bed, bitching and complaining all morning...or are you going to join me in the shower?" It was the perfect bribe to get him moving. Faster than the speed of light, Pierce dashed from the bed and tossed her body over his shoulder. Zoe screamed in surprise and began to laugh. "Jerk." She continued to laugh, smacking his ass playfully as it was in her reach.

Pierce set her down on the counter. "You love me."

"Sometimes." She teased looking at him with lust filled eyes. Pierce leaned down and crushed his lips onto hers. She slipped off the counter, not breaking contact, and they began to quickly strip each others pajamas.

Leave Me Lonely - A Donald Pierce/X-Men StoryWhere stories live. Discover now