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Despite being so angry with Pierce, Zoe still feared a life without him. She knew once this was all over, they were going to go their separate ways. There was no way Pierce would want to be with her anymore. Not with the truth being out there. She attempted to savor their last moments together. As he drove, Zoe would continuously take quick glances at him.

Every single detail about the look of concentration in his eyes, the way his hair blew from the wind pushing into the rolled down window, and how the ring on his finger, one she gave him, glistening against the bright sun shine. Pierce never met her eyes, he knew she was watching him, and he hated himself for being too much of a coward to say anything. A year had passed and Zoe was just as obsessed and in love with Pierce from the first moment their eye met outside the coffee shop. Her feelings never wavered or faltered, only intensified. Their drive continued silently until they reached a convenience store and gas station.

"Stay here."

"But..." Pierce looked back at her once he got out of the truck as she attempted to argue. "Okay, I'll stay." She frowned. It was probably best she didn't get involved anyway. Zoe knew Logan, Laura, and Charles weren't here. So, there was no point in arguing. Whatever happened inside the building didn't take long. Within ten minutes, Pierce was walking back to his truck. When he got inside, he handed Zoe a few snacks and a bottle of water he swiped from the store. "Thank you." She smiled softly opening the water and taking a sip. "What happened?"

Pierce glanced at Zoe with a hint of surprise on his face. He didn't expect her to directly speak to him, especially asking about what happened inside the store. "Uh.." He hesitated, wondering if he should tell her the full truth or sugar coat it. Well, there was no sense in hiding anything anymore. Therefore, she received the truth. "We're thinking Caliban has been giving us delayed information to give the an advantage."

"Makes sense. He's always been an absolute bastard. Only looking out for himself or something he would benefit off of."

"You know him?"

"We met once before. Nearly got me killed." Zoe confessed as Pierce started his truck and they got back on the main highway. "Another mutant paid him to track me down after I left Charles' school. I was in France, basically living in the middle of no where, when he found me. The mutant, I think his name was William or something, hated me because I turned down his advances when I was younger. He decided if he couldn't have me, no one could, and I was no longer within the protection of the X-Men."

"What happened to him?" Pierce dared to ask, wanting to know if he needed to add another man, or shall I say mutant, to his list.

"No one at the school knew of my full abilities with exception of a choice few. William thought he had an advantage over me, like he could over power me. Well, he couldn't. I caught him off guard when he thought I was sleeping. I crushed his throat with my bare hands. Then buried him in my backyard."

Pierce held back a laugh at how similar he and Zoe were. Just days ago, he himself had crushed a man's throat in his office for threatening Zoe's life. "Well deserved."

"He's the only man I never regretted killing."

"How many have there been?" He dared to ask once more. In his mind, he figured the more he asked and seemed interested and understanding, the more she would forgive him and see the effort he is making.

"More than I care to remember." To her, one life taken was too many. "The first few years on my own, I would take the life of anyone who would discover my true identity, just to protect myself. They were all mutants. Not the good kind like Logan and Charles, but it doesn't mean they deserved what I did to them. No one deserves to die at the hand of another. I hope one day you realize that."

He sighed softly. "When this is all over, we can put all of this behind us."

"Put what behind us?"

"Everything that went on today. All the secrets and lies, we can move past it."

"But I'm a mutant?"

"And I love you." Pierce took his eyes off the road and looked at her for a brief second. "I don't care who or what you are because regardless I still want you. I'm always gonna want you. I can't change what I've done and I don't know why I never came clean with you. I guess I was just scared of losing you, but now, you're still here. With me. That says something right?"

"I am here for Laura. I made a promise to Charles and Gabriela, the woman you murdered, that I would keep her safe. Once this is all over, you won't be saying those things. You won't love me and you won't want me around. You'll finally see me for what I am. A mutant. Just another science experiment gone wrong." Zoe scoffed, tears forming in her eyes. She looked over at Pierce and saw the glassiness in his behind the rim of his Ray Bans. "I will fight to save her."

Unfortunately for Zoe, they pulled off to the side of a road to regroup and meet with Dr Zander Rice. The man truly behind all the death and horror. Zoe watched in silence as his helicopter landed and Pierce ran out to meet with him. He tried to reassure him that everything was under control still, but Dr Rice wasn't buying it anymore. Enough time had passed, and they were quickly running out.

Rice went in the trailer which held Caliban and began to extract information out of him. This was both good and bad for Zoe. Good because she would finally be rejoined with others and help. Bad because the Reavers would also be present and they would finally be fighting against her. They would learn the truth about Zoe once and for all. This time she wasn't backing down no matter what Pierce said. She had to stop being selfish and help her friends...her family. Charles would do the same for her.

The night came and went. Neither Pierce or Zoe got much sleep. Despite the fact they stopped briefly to rest. They were both kept awake with unknown future laid before them. The next morning would officially be the end. They would be working against each other, fighting for a different cause. Pierce didn't let Zoe from his sight but they still remained silent with each other.

Nothing could be said to change the situation. Zoe wanted to pled with him to change his mind. To let everything go and leave with her, but she knew that wouldn't happen. Pierce wanted to beg Zoe to see reason behind what he is doing and promise to leave this life once Laura was captured, but he knew she would never agree to that. The helpless, empty begging and pleading would only make it harder.

It wasn't long before they ended up at a casino in Oklahoma. This time Pierce didn't say a word to object Zoe getting out of his truck. He knew she wouldn't listen anyways. This was it. They had found Laura. His men had a head start on them and were already flooding in and around the casino, attempting not to draw too much attention.

Pierce rounded the front of the vehicle and joined her side. "Don't get yourself hurt, okay?" Zoe nodded as he grabbed the sides of her face and planted his lips onto hers, making sure to make every second count. Zoe didn't hesitant to return the kiss and she made no attempt to pull away. If it weren't for one of the Reavers calling Pierce over to the trailer, they could have stood there forever in each other arms. But, all good things must come to an end. This was their ending. One last kiss.

"I love you." She whispered, breathless. "Don't forget that." Before Pierce could respond, she walked away briskly heading for the front entrance. She didn't want to hear his response. Whether it be good or bad, it would hurt either way. Pierce watched her leave before refocusing his attention on the mission and heading to the trailer. War was about to break and Zoe was caught in the middle, conflicted on both sides. This couldn't end well for her.

Quick filer chapter. This took me forever to write and it's not even that long hahah. I kept getting distracted by tumblr and having writers block. Let me know what you think (:

Leave Me Lonely - A Donald Pierce/X-Men StoryWhere stories live. Discover now