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So I'm Zayn Malik's girlfriend??



Was he talking to me?

My brain was still processing the fact that that happened two nights ago it's been two whole days I've been with him!

We really got to know eachother..

And I'm close with the other boys too!

"I love you" Zayn whispered in my ear

It sent shivers down my spine

We were all watching a movie

"I love you too zaynie" I whispere

Everyone was so focused on the movie

Katy and Niall were trying to share the pop corn

Zayn was leaning in

I was leaning in

Our lips touched


Soon we were songging

Our lips moving in sync

I accedently hit Louis with my elbow

"EW!!! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!' Louis yelled

We stopped and blushed

After that I just cuddled and I think I fell asleep..


"Niall!!! SHARE WITH MEEEE!!" I yelled

We started dating yesterday!! AHHH!!!!! NIALL HORAN IS MY BOYFRANDDDD!!

"But this is the last Oreo left..." He said frowning

"But niiiiii!!!!" I said frowning back

He sighed

"Finneeeee.... only cause I love you!!!!" He said and handed me the Oreo

"UGH FINE WE'LL SPLIT IT!!" I said I felt guilty

"YAY!" Niall yelled

I put half the cookie in my mouth I was going to take a bite and give it to Niall but Niall just ate the other half that was sticking out of my mouth

After chewing and chugging down some milk me were cuddling cause I was FREEZING!!!

"I love you Katy" Niall said

"I love you too Niall" I said back

We kissed just for a second before going back to the movie... Soon I was asleep too...


Opps I just wanted to update cause I love you!!!

But I know now it's not so good but this story will get better!!!

OMG question of the Chappy: if you were with Niall and only had one cookie left would you let him have it or would you eat it

My answer: EAT IT!

Plz answer!! and comment! and vote!

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