Brother bonding #2

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100 reads so far! Tysfm guys I love you


Louis and I pulled into the parked at the roller rink

Yay roller skating (note the Sarcasem)

I am horrid at it...

"Come on katyyyy!!!" He squeaked and opened the car door for me and grabbed my hand.

"Louuuiisssss I can't skate!!!" I admitted.

"Then ill teach you! It's easy.." His smiled stretched from ear to ear

I laughed at him


An hour of falling on my butt and laughing like freaks I finally got the hang of skating!

"LOUISSS IM SKATING!!!!!!" I screamed over the blaring music that was playing

He rented the skating place for a few hours so we wouldn't get mobbed by fans... the people I would be considered...

"YAY MY SISTER CAN SKATE!!"' He screamed back

"Look at me I'm on a rooolll!!!" I said cockily before I crashed into the wall

"AHHH ARE YOU OK??" Louis screamed

"YUP!" I said laughing

We both laughed an decided that we were done skating.

"Screw this lets get some ice cream!" I said as we walked to the car.

As we started driving we stayed in a comfortable silence then I turned on the radio

"AHHH I LOVE THIS SONGGG!!" We screamed at the same time

"IT'S GOING DOWN IM YELLING TIMBERRRR!!!" We screamed at the top of our lungs.


After ice cream we ate dinner and headed back home

Cause Im tired as hell.

"Thanks Louis! I had an awesome time!" I smiled and gave him a hug

"No problem!i did too!" He hugged back.

Ambers POV

Katy left me with four guys no boys..

No more like


Currently We are at chipotle stuffing ourselves with burritos!!

Nialls had like three... Geez he's going to have stomach problems tonight.

We're all having a good time and laughing OMG they're so funny...

"Guyssssssssss I'm hunnnggrrryyyy" Niall wined.

"Niall you just ate!" Liam said smacking the back of his head

"What you do that for?!" Niall said with fake hurt

I rolled my eyes and giggled

Zayn was so quiet and a bit tense.

Harry was being Harry all flirty and telling us horrid jokes.... Oh that boy.

We finally got back to the bus

As soon as I walked into the bus I plopped down onto my bed

"Hey amber, you want to watch a movie?" Zayn said

I groaned

"Ok... I'll watch by myself." He said

"No I'll watch with you!" I said jumping off the bed and laying on the couch with him

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