Amber & Harry Time

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IM DYING RN BC I WORTE THIS CHAPPY THEN IT DELETED!! WTF WATTPAD? So this probs will be a crappy chappy .-.

Katy's POV

Two weeks later

I opened my eyes and yawned

Ew morning breath.

I tried rolling out of bed but something pulled me back


"Where do ya think your going?" he sleepily smirked

I smiled and poked his nose

"Niall I need to pee." I put a serious face on

I tried wriggling out of his arms, but his grip became tighter

"Please Niall.." I whined

"I gotta get my morning kiss first." He puckered up and closed his eyes

I cupped his face with the arm I was able to struggle out of his grip

"Baaaaby we have morning breath. Go brush your teeth."

"Ugh... Fine.." He got out of bed and went to the bathroom I got out next and walked into the bathroom

Geez I need to pee

Niall brushed his teeth and so did I

I wiped my mouth and walked out

"Now do I get a morning kiss?" He pouted

I sighed pressing my lips against his

Ambers POV

I woke up early to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon for E V E R Y O N E

Yes... 7 people including me..

But it looks like I made enough food to feed an army because one or two pancakes will N E V E R be enough to feed 8 teenagers.... Ok young adults

More like toddlers..

I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist "Mornin' babe." Zayn smirked and kissed me

"Your awake early." I raised an eyebrow

"What is it wrong to wake up early so I can kiss my girlfriend." he sat on the counter and kicked his legs back and forth

"No..." I sighed in defeat

I turned the stove off and walked between his legs

He cupped my face, I stood on my tippy toes, and kissed him wait no made out with him until

"AMBER YOU MADE FOOOD?" Harry yelled

I jumped back red as a tomato

Harry looked at me with his jaw dropped but it turned into a smirk

He walked over to me "Where's my good morning kiss?". He said stroking my hair

I gave him a fast kiss on his cheek and ran back to Zayn

"Uh Harry we have an interview at 12:53" Zayn said breaking the silence



"YOUR AN AMAZING COOK!" Niall moaned taking a bite of his fifth- millionth pancake

"Thanks guys!" I smiled

Yup living with seven other people for a couple of months pays off...

*~1 hour before the interview*~

"Babe I'm going to get ready." Zayn kissed my cheek and went upstairs

Five seconds later a pout Harry comes by "Amberrrr."


"How come we never have Amber and Harry time? Zayn's always hogging you up." he crossed his arms

"I promise tomorrow we will have 'Amber and Harry time' okay?" I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks

His eyes gleamed "YAAAY! What are we going to do?" he said flatly

"Hmmm I don't know? do you want to get lunch then head to the mall?"

"Oh girl! Louis would get totes jelly if we went to the mall... YAY LETS GO TO THE MALL!" He clapped his hands

"And Starbucks." I smirked

He looked like he was going to burst into a major white girl "G U R L WE BASIC! We must Instagram every single thing we do!" so so gay that boy

"What are you guys doing?" Zayn walked in

"Harry and amber time tomorrow." I smiled up at him

"Ok babe." he kissed my nose

"Harry, Zayn, ready to go?" Louis called

"Ok... Bye Ambah! looooove you!!!" Harry said

I laughed "love you too hazza bear! And love you Zaynie!!"

Well now I'm home all alone

Katy and Claire went to the mall and now the boys are gone...

What. to. do

*next day*

"Amber you ready?" Harry knocked on the door

"Yuuuuup" I said putting on my last earring

I opened the door and walked downstairs with Harry

"Bye baby." I kissed Zayn and walked out the door


We started eating our lunch at Panera

Bread when a girl about 12 came up to us

"I'm super sorry to interrupt your lunch, but can I have an autograph and a picture?" she smiled

"Ill take it if you'd like." I said

She frowned "No I want you in the picture!"

Harry and I took a million selfie with the fan named, Bekah. smiling, funny faces, and weird I don't even know faces...

"Thank you guys! Wait may i ask a question?" She asked

"Of course Bekah!" I smiled

"Um I thought you were dating Zayn?"

"Uh I am... Harry just said he wanted to take me out for lunch then go shopping."

"Oh ok..." she looked a bit disappointed "because I totally ship Hamber" she whispered in my ear and winked


I laughed "oh really?-"

" what's your twitter love?" Harry cut me off

"Umm... teamhamber" she blushed with embarrassment

"Hamber? like Me and amber?" he laughed

"Yeah.." she looked down at the ground

"Well I would ship hamber too if I were you" he smirked

"Ok well I better let you guys eat.. Thank you soooooo much!" She hugged us and ran off

We went back to our seats to eat our cold food

Well I guess sandwiches should be cold

Ha ha ha ha..

We spent the rest of the day running around the mall from paps and fans

I hope people don't think we're secretly dating..


Filler chappy idk I have writers block...

Sorry I won't update as much I try to post another chappy Wednesday.

Well co-op is over so no more homework!! Yay! So I can update more i guess.. and im helping my friend Ava (who is also a writer) with her story bc she lost her iPod so I'm having her email the chappys...

Follow her and read her story!


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