Hunger Games or LOTR

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Amber's POV

Okay I pretty sure I've been down here for at least three hours...
Currently I'm sitting on the floor thinking about how this happened.

"Hey!" Taylor appeared on the other side of the thick glass

"Why did you do this?" I asked

"Because I want him." she smirked



"You can't have him! he's mine!" I said

"I'm sorry. Well Harry didn't want me and I've always had my eye on Zayn... if I can't have him no one can." she smiled a sweet smile that was twisted in a sick was.

"I thought we were friends!"

"Sorry sweetie." she acted innocent then walked back upstairs


I looked at the clock that was on the wall "8:45"

I've been here since noon... I'm hungry and tired.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. Tell me this is just a dream, because I'm really not fine at all.


Taylor's pov
*Next day*

I knocked on the boys door

"Hello?" Zayn opened the door a bit panicked

"Hi Zayn." I wrapped my arms around him

"Taylor I don't have time for this! have you seen Amber?" he asked blocking the doorway

"No." I scrunched my eyebrows together

"Do you know where she went after you two hung out?"

"Relax! she's fine! don't freak out zaynie! she said she was going to have a nice alone time. she spent the night at a hotel..." I said

"Oh... okaaay." he didn't seem to convinced "normally she would tell me but..."

"But she didn't have her phone charger, she asked to use mine but we have different phones...." I smiled sweetly

"Oh... wait why are you here?"

"Ugh... stop with the questions. I just wanted to tell you that!"

"That's it?"


"Okay bye. Can you tell Harry I'm truly sorry but if he thinks we're dating.... we're not." I turned on my heel and walked away

Zayn's POV

That was weird...

I walked into the kitchen to find Harry

"Louis where's Harry?"

"He's upstairs in his room." he looked up from his computer

I knocked on Harry's door

"Come in!" he said

"Hey mate." I smiled

"Hey." he stared at the computer screen.

"Taylor came by. She says you two are not dating..." I rolled my eyes

"Oh. Okay." He said unemotional

"I hate her. she ruins everything."

"Yup. that's why I only dated her once." Harry laughed


"Where's Amber? she's never not with you!"

"Shut up... she's just having 'alone time'"

"Alone time? Okaaay."

Amber's POV

I'm alone. it's been a day.
Almost two now. its really dark so I'm guessing its midnight.

I'm really hungry, tired, and need water.

Is this what's is like to be in the Hunger Games?

No.... if I was in the hunger games I'd have water, weapons, and I could hunt an animal.

There was a faint light

"Hi sweetie! I don't want you to die." Taylor pouted "so here some crackers and water." she opened the door slightly and threw them at me as she cackled a mean laugh and ran back upstairs.

I greedily snatched the water and chugged it, I stopped before it reached half way, and I realized I need to save it. Ill only eat two crackers right now...

No I don't feel like I'm in the hunger games... I feel like I'm in Lord Of the Rings when Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are near to the volcano and almost die from starvation because, Gollum threw away the last bread....

I fell asleep now knowing I have little food in my stomach...


Taylor is a meanie....

Like in her video for Blank Spaces...


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