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Ambers POV

I lazily opened my eyes with a horrible headache

I looked at the bed table to find a glass of water and some pills. it was about 12 pm.

After I took the pills I laid in be for a few minutes until I found the power to get out of bed

I walked downstairs to see everyone eating breakfast in the living room

I could live in that room it's HUGE with a huge flat screen

"Hey amber." Harry said handing me a plate of pancakes

"Thanks hazz!" I have him a lazy smile

I still had a headache but I didn't feel like throwing up..

"Hey babe" Zayn said motioning for me to sit on his lap

"Hey Zayn!" I said eating my food

"Sooooo are we... Like a thing now?" I wasn't sure if it was a dream

He kissed my lips

"Dose that answer your question?" He smirked. I nodded

"Morning mates." Louis said sitting on the couch. he looked like hell.

"Hi Louis." we all mumbled

"Hey has anyone seen Katy?" Louis said

"She's with Niall." Liam said

"He's puking his brains out." Harry said

"I only had two beers and a few shots because I didn't want to be so sick." Harry said

"Same." I sighed and nuzzled into Zayn as he kissed my forehead.

Katy's POV

Right now I'm in the bathroom rubbing Nialls back while he pukes his brains out...

"Ok." He said

I handed him some water to wash his mouth with..

"Man I haven't been that drunk in a long time." He said as he wiped his mouth.

"Baby go take a shower and take a nap." I said

"Finnneeee..." He groaned as I left the bathroom.

~~~~later that day~~~~~

Niall felt better... Finally.

We were all sitting on the couches watching E! News

I wasn't really paying attention I was fiddling with Nialls fingers until I heard something that caught my attention

"Looks like Zayn and Niall from famous British boy band are now taken!-" we all stared at the TV

"Zayn has tweeted that about his new love.-"

A picture of zayns tweet that said

' love my beautiful girlfriend


"Niall has been seen around with his girl as well. They haven't kept it secret pictures of them walking in the park. Aw they are so cute!" I blushed

Before the lady started talking again Liam changed the channel

"What you do that for?" Louis glared at Liam

Geez someone's on their man period.

"I'm going to bed night." He said and left

"Wonder what's up his knickers." Niall said

It was pretty late now so Niall and I headed to bed with the rest

Ambers POV

Omg I have 1 million on twitter now !

I've been getting some hate like 'Stop taking our baby bitch!' And stuff like that

So you know what I did....






Take that haterzzzz!!!

Some fans were really nice! So I followed some of them or retweeted some of their tweets.

I put my IPhone back on the charger and crawled into bed with Zayn.

"Night amber." He said and kissed my lips

"Night Zayn." I kissed back

I snuggled into his warm chest heating my body.

God thank you for giving me this beautiful guy next to me

I prayed in my head and fell asleep



Yeah yeah sorry this is short!

I just felt like updating

Ok so if you read those chaps when Harry and amber dated I deleted those! OKKKKK cause Zamber is cuterrrrrr sorry hazz...

Demi Lavato is preforming where I live!! OMGGG!! I wish I was there!! I saw her in concert when I was like 9... This girl I know is going to see her

She's not my friend.. She is but she's annoying!!!!!! Like really I want to strangle her...

I mean I'm a nice person but some people are just so aurghhhhh... Like Alex he's a meanie but he's like a brother... but he hits on every girl he sees...

Ok bi

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