(Ch.1) How it started

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"Mom I'm going to walk Tiki!" I yelled to my mother as I grabbed my dog Tiki. I put on her leash and waited by the door for my mom to respond. Who does she care? No one ever. I just walked out the house and started to the dog park. Once we made it I let Tiki off the leash. She ran to play with the other dogs. I sat on the bench and played on my phone. About an hour later I was getting ready to leave when I noticed that the park was empty. "Tiki!!……….Tiki!!" I yelled her name. On my god I can't believe she's gone! How could I not watch her. That's what Flappy Bird does to you. I looked around once more when I noticed a little Pippy curled up by the sand. I walked to it slowly and got on one knee. The puppy didnt move one muscle but its eyes were wide open. I slowly touched its fur and it jumped up. I put on a smile and the dog seemed to soften. "Hi doggy I'm Bianca but the people call me Anca" I talked to it. I slowly flipped it over to see weather it was a girl or a boy. It was definitely a boy. "I never had a boy dog before...........Where's your owners?" I asked him. Of course he wouldn't answer so I just put Tiki's leash around his neck. "How about you come home with me and get some food?" I asked. I pulled him with me and he didnt seem to resist. Once I got home my mom was sitting on the couch with my dad. They are both horrible parents, only reason I'm here is so they're taxes could be more. They don't care what I do and when I do it. "Mom and dad I have a new dog" I said. They didnt even say nothing so I threw some paper balls at them. They turned around with drinks in their hands.

"Oh You're here" My mom said as she turned back around. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs.

"Doggy those are my horrible parents. They don't do anything for me at all. I buy my own things, pay my own phone bills, I pay my own school fees. Well you get it. He looked up at me and what looked like an angry face softened. "So what's your name?" I asked him. "Oh how I wish you could talk. Well how about teto" I smiled. He growled. "Okay I'll take that as a no....... what about……… Derrick? I've always loved naming animals human names" I smiled. This time he barked and jumped up. "Okay.……… Derrick it is" I smiled. I went to my in room bathroom and grabbed Tiki's food bowl. I put some dog food in it and put the bowl in front of Derrick. He looked at the bowl and pushed it away worth his nose. Maybe he don't like dog food. I went to my closet and pulled out a burger from my mini fridge. I threw it to him and he barked while eating the burger. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone. I went to my contact list and picked my boyfriend's number. I pressed call and laid back on my bed.

"Hey baby" He said.

"Hey……… What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing really........ I'm bored though. Do you want to go out?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Kaden but I just got a new dog and I don't want to leave him" I told him. He chuckled and I could feel the smirk on his lips. "What?" I asked.

"Its funny because I made a bet with Erin and said that you would have a new dog this month……Thanks for winning me thirty dollars" He chuckled. Erin was his little sister and also my best friend. I was best friends with Erin since seventh grade and now we're currently in our senior year of Highschool. I started dating her older brother in my sophomore year of highschool. First I didnt know they were related because they had different last names. They didnt even live together. But once she told me that her brother was moving into the house with her and her parents because his mother died. Well here's how it went.

‡Flashback Begins‡

"Come meet my brother" Erin pulled me into her house. I was texting my boyfriend Kaden. "Get off your phone and come meet him" She whined.

"Fine" I said as I put my phone in my pocket. She pulled me up the stairs. Her guest room was now filled with pictures of women. We walked into the room and this boy with his hoody on was putting a picture on his dresser. Erin cleared her throat and he turned around. My mouth fell open and so did his. Erin looked at me and pulled me towards him.

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