Nature's Treasure chapter 4 Fairies and water

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sorry for the wait!!!!! anyway!!!! here's the update. I haven't been able to upadate because i was busy!!!!^^



Narava fell.

But River caught her before she hit the ground.

"You sure like to fall, don't you,"

River said staring at Narava's sleeping face.


"'s for breakfast..?" Narava asks while stretching her arms.

"Who's your mom..?!!!!" River shouts at her, "oops, sorry I forgot and-" she stopped when she saw River,





Narava asks between laughs.

"Shut it!!!! what's wrong with what I'm wearing..?" River asks looking at his clothes.

"Nothing!!!" Narava says, still laughing.

"Why..? Isn't this what I'm supposed to wear while cooking..?"

River asks, clueless.

"Yeah, but a pink apron isn't exactly necessary,"

Narava said, still giggling.

"Well, there's no other color, and this is the first time I cooked," River said, with a hint of annoyance.

"Then why did you cook..?" she asks while standing up, " because you have to eat," River said.

"Don't you eat..? and your bacon is BURNING!!!!!" Narava said running to the kitchen.

"What in the world!!! you don't even know how to cook?"  Narava said looking at River

"of course you don't, your not human," then reality hit her.

"Wait, if your not human and of course your not one of the element controllers, what are you then,,,?"

"I a water nymph," River says showing her his scale-like wings.

"Wait, aren't water nymphs supposed to be a girl..?" she always thought that all nymphs are girls.

"A lot are girls, but not everyone, in your universe, girls are usually used to represent fairies and nymphs, but that doesn't mean there are no males," River explained.

"Can you show me your wings again..? I want to see them again," Narava said, clearly not listening to River was saying.

"You don't need to see them, what you need is to eat your breakfast because we have to leave," River said going to his room.

"Where are we going..?" Narava ask, chewing a piece of bacon.

"It's a surprise, and don't talk when your mouth is full, it's disgusting," River says, while scrunching his nose.

Narava giggles and said "You know you're really cute when you do that,"

"I'm cute whatever my facial expression is," River said smugly.

"AIRHEAD!!!! oh, wait more like WATERHEAD!!!"  Narava said, with a funny expression.

"Haha!!! very funny," River answered sarcastically.

"hmph!!" Narava said "I'm just going to get dressed" Narava said entering her room.

"River, for the hundredth time, where are we going..? all i can see is trees and leaves, not that I don't like it but what are we doing here..?" Narava asks, annoyed. She's been asking River where they are going for the last 30 minutes and he keeps answering it's a surprise.

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