Nature's Treasure chapter 3 Training with the wind

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"If the four sisters aren't dead, then how come they won't fight..?They could defeat Dinistrio with their powers right..?" 

River looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Of course they can't, weren't you listening to me..?

Their powers were sent to earth the day that Dinistrio attacked, it means that all their powers are in you and the only power left in them is just enough to keep them alive, they can't defeat Dinistrio, if they do, they will surely die, and Dinistrio will find out that the powers of the sisters are not inside of them anymore,he will kill them and he will definitely find you and imprison you just like the sisters, he will have no mercy Narava, he will keep you weak, very weak, to the point that you will not be able to walk, but still strong enough to stay alive,"

Dinistrio said with a voice full of sadness.

"I was there you know, I witnessed how Dinistrio defeated and tortured the sisters, I was the one who heard their excruciating cries, I was the one who was there,but I can't even do anything to help them, the day Dinistrio finds about you, he will find you ready or not ready, you will have to fight him, that's why I am here to train you, so that when the day that Dinistrio will come to attack you, you will be able to defeat him, and restore the world's peacefulness."

His voice was full of hope and sadness.

"Then let's start training, I wouldn't be any better with my powers if my trainor is sulking!!"

"We begin with air, do you know how to fly..?"

River looked at her as if she's a kid who knows nothing.

"Of course I do, it's not like I don't know how to control my powers you know,"

Narava said full of confidence, but inside she's really nervous she never tried to fly before.

Sure, she tried floating, a few feet above the ground, but she never tried flying.

Standing still, she took a deep breath.

Closed her eyes and started concentrating.

She felt her feet leave the ground.

But it's taking a lot of concentration and energy out of her.

After a few mimutes her concentration started to waver.

She opened her eyes to see that she was 15 feet off the ground.

She lost every ounce of concentration and fell.

She closed her eyes and waited for the crash, but it never came.

She slowly opened her eyes to see River carrying her, it took her awhile to figure out what happened because she's still in shock, then it hit her. She lost her concentration and fell but River caught her just before she hit the ground.

"Thanks for saving me, you can put me down now,"

She said gratefully to River. 

"You sure can fly,"

River said sarcastically after putting her down.

Narava glared at him,

"Well, it's my first time flying that high, I don't have enough training since I can't just fly around when I want to, somebody might see me,"

She said defensively.

"You weren't even flying, you were floating,"

He sighed and added

"I really have a lot to teach you."

"Let's start your flying lessons, when flying you have three choices, you can either, turn yourself into a bird or any flying creature, that is if your just wandering around and you don't want to be seen by humans, or you can summon your wings and fly, tha's the easiest way and is usually used if you are tired, the last is to channel  wind energy to you body to make you fly, it's the hardest cause it takes a lot of concentration, but is also the most advisable when you are battling with someone, so let's practice the last one since that's the hardest and will probably be tha most useful when you fighting with Dinistrio,"

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