Nature's Treasure chapter 2 Meeting River

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Narava woke up from her daydreaming when the bell rung loudly signaling the end of class.

She grabbed her bag and got out of the room.

This is Narava's life.

She wakes up in the morning, gets dressed, go to school, listen to the teacher's endless talking, eat then go home

Sounds boring...?

That's what you think, Narava's life is full of magic and mysteries, a whole lot of them is not yet known to her.

She always stays on the background she never does anything to be aknowledge, but after a whole day of being invisible, Narava becomes the center of the universe, it's controller, it's master.

Narava can control elements.

She can talk to animals, she can also breath underwater.

She can create fire out of nothing, she can summon anything she wants, when she wants.

But something that bothers her  is why she has these powers.

Why is it that of all the billion people who walked on earth, why is she the one chosen to have these unique powers.

Why does she have to be different.She sleeps every night thinking about possible reasons, but she can never come up with anything.

The next day...

Narava is sitting by herself under the weeping willow in they're school when an unfamiliar guy walked towards her.

"Miss, are you Narava? I'm River, I'm a transfer student and you were assigned to tour me around the school,"

The guy is tall about 6.2' 

Has ginger hair.

Captivating green eyes with blue specks.

Dreamy face and a smile that can light up the whole town.

"Oh.okay, nice meeting you River, but that's weird, nobody gets assigend to tour someone in the whole school before, and why me?"

Narava asks, confused.

"That's cause you're special, and you know it, don't you Narava..?"

River whispered to her ear.

"What special are you talking about? I'm not special, I'm just like other kids there's nothing special about me.."

Narava said with a smile, but inside she's alarmed.

So many questions stirring in her head.

Does this guy know my secret..?

Can he control elements too..?

What does he know about me..?

Could this guy be related to my past..?

River smiled as if he knows what Narava is thinking.

"Yes, Narava, I am related to your past, I know things about you, things even you do not know about,"

Narava's eyes widened

"Please,please tell me what you know about me, please tell me why I have these powers, please tell me everything!!!"

Narava pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"I want to know everything about me, about my past, about my parents, why they left me at the orphanage,"

She said, still crying.

Her emotions are flooding out, she's happy,confused, scared and excited.

River just gave her a sympathetic smile.

"First of all, your parents didn't want to give you up, but the moment you were conceived they knew they had to, you were chosen, Narava, chosen to fulfill a mission, a mission only you can fulfill."

"So, what do we do now..?"

She asks as she follow River to his house.

"We train,"

River said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Train..? train for what..? I already know how to use my powers,"

Narava said with confidence.

"Yes, but not to it's full extent, you can do anything you want Narava, you can control everything,"

River said, his voice full of awe.

"But why me..? why me River..? I'm not special, I'm weak, why am I chosen..?"

Narava asks.

More questions flooding her mind.

"And another thing, what mission are you talking about..? and if the universe does depend on me, where did my powers came from..?"

She asks looking at River.

"I'll explain it inside, were here,"

River said while parking the car.

"Please take a seat and feel at home.Want some tea..? or water..?"

River offered.

"No, I want answers,"

Narava said running out of patience.

"You asked me to talk, now let's talk, no more stalling,"

River walked towards her and sat down to a chair right in front of her.

"Your so impatient, this is a long story so sit back, relax and enjoy, oh, and after this, we begin your training, you won't be going to school anymore, you won't be needing it," 

Narava was going to protest but River already started his story.

He told her about the four sisters.


The Land of creations.

The elements.

Her powers.

And most of all, her mission.


I know it's crappy but it gets better, oh and please vote and comment what you think about my story,,,

Thanks for reading, enjoy!!!! :D

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