I woke up to the sound of Barry murmuring in his sleep, he was having another nightmare. "Barry," I said turning over to face him and shook his arm. He shuttered at my touch, "Barry?" I don't know how many times this had happened, almost every night now. Barry shot up looking around the room and looked at me awake beside him.
"I'm sorry, was it another...."
"Nightmare, yeah," I nodded yawning.
"I'm sorry, Sadie," he sighed laying back down as I scooted closer to him.
"It's okay, I'm here, it wasn't real," I said holding onto his arm, "Just go back to sleep."
Barry sighed pulling me in closer putting a hand on my cheek rubbing it with his thumb softly as I slowly fell back to sleep. The next morning when I woke up Barry was gone like always, probably off to work. I got up slowly and put on my glasses and yawned. After taking a long shower I got out changing into a white long sleeve and jeans slipping on a red bomber jacket. Barry had left a pot of coffee in the kitchen and I poured some into a to go cup warming it in the microwave. Then I left heading downstairs to my car to head to Star Labs. When I got there everyone one was rushing out of the cortex. "Woah, what's going on?" I asked as they all passed me.
"Hey morning," Barry said kissing me.
"What's happened?" I asked.
"Turtle is dead," he answered as we followed everyone else to his cell.
"He better not be pulling a Juliet," Cisco said as Caitlin and Barry looked at the body, "Yeah, that's right. I see plays."
"He's dead, Cisco," Caitlin answered.
"I mean he tried to make me into a forever American Girl doll, but I wouldn't want him dead," I sighed.
"How'd this happen?" Harry asked.
"Preliminary brain scan shows an acute brain aneurysm," Caitlin answered.
"The night we captured him. How's that for timing?" Jay sighed.
"What does that mean? You think I did this, Garrick?" Harry asked, "This man is the key to us stopping Zoom, the key to me saving my daughter. Why would I do that?"
"Never understood why you do anything, Harrison," he shot back.
"That's fine with me, Garrick," he answered.
"Guys, look," Barry sighed walking out of the cell past us and turned around, "We need to figure out how to stop Zoom. Everything we've tried so far has failed. We need to start thinking outside the box. I mean, we haven't even figured out how to close the breaches yet. Maybe that's where we should start."
"That's a good idea. I'll get on that," Harry nodded walking out.
"I'll help," Cisco offered following him.
"I've got to get to the CCPD. I'll check in with you guys later," Barry said looking at his phone before in a flash he was gone. I went to the cortex just as I was about to sit down Cisco ran in.
"Sadie, you have to get to Mercury Labs now," he said as I jumped to my feet throwing on my suit and hopping on my bike.
"What exactly am I doing at Mercury Labs?" I asked as wove my way through traffic.
"The Reverse-Flash, he's back," Cisco answered, "I'm trying to get ahold of Barry."
I made it to Mercury Labs and found two security guards unconscious on the ground and heard a scream from upstairs. I bounded up the steps and found the Reverse-Flash and Christina McGee. I phased running towards her and stood in front of her.
Everything Happens For A Reason (The Phaser Book 2)
FanficAfter the singularity Sadie Merlyn decides to do what she does best. Run away. Run away from her new life, friends and most importantly her true love.