The Monster Underneath the Bed

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"Hello, Sammy!" Gabriel greeted as he sauntered into the room. His hands were shoved in his pockets as he walked up behind his favorite human.

"Hey, Gabriel." Sam greeted, less enthusiastically. Gabriel pouted a bit as he sat beside where Sam was standing.

"What's up, moose?" He asked as he looked up in slight concern at Sammy. Sam shrugged and sat down in a small rickety chair with his lap top in his lap. Crowley scowled from across the room, not liking that they were both pretending like he wasn't even there. If he was going to be in the same room as one of the Winchesters, he wanted to be entertained.

"Hey! If you two lover birds aren't going to do anything interesting, get out of my cell!" Crowley barked, earning a nasty look from Sam.

"I was just trying to figure out what you meant by that, Crowley. No need to get your panties in a twist." Sam growled with a small scowl at his computer screen.

"What did he say? Gabriel asked curiously, flicking a casual hand at Crowley. Crowley's mouth sealed shut and the king of hell squirmed and struggled in the chair.

"Something about Lucifer's cage." Sam mumbled. Gabriel tensed up. Luci. His brother. His brother who hadn't hesitated to kill him.

"What about it?" He asked in a soft voice.

"Something about it opening again." Sam grumbled, not looking up from his lap top.

"Like...another apocalypse?" Gabriel asked with a small, confused frown.

"No...well, not really. Apparently someone or something has been summoning Satan for the past few months. If they complete the summoning then..." Sam trailed off, knowing what would happen then. Once Lucifer was out of his cage again, he would go after Sam.

"We need to find out who it is then." Gabriel said and Sam gave him a look.

"That's why I'm on my lap top." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Gabriel's face flushed pink a bit.

"Well, I don't know. You could have been watching porn or something." Gabriel grumbled.

"I-Gabriel!" Sam exclaimed, his face growing bright red. Crowley chuckled a bit from where he was.

"I was just saying, geez!" Gabriel laughed at Sam's flushed face.


"Dean, I understand your concern, but I really don't think that it would be a good idea for you to go with me next time." Cas sighed as Dean paced the living room.

"Why wouldn't it?" Dean snapped.

"Because it's my job to take care of the kid." Cas said, starting to get aggrevated at Dean's over protection.

"I could help." Dean insisted.

"No." Cas repeated firmly. He stood up suddenly, the feathers on his wings shivering. Dean stopped and looked over at Castiel in concern.

"What is-" He started.

"Shush." Cas snapped and his ears pricked as if he were listening to something. Dean scowled at Cas shushing him, but he didnt say anything.

"Castiel! Cas! You know where your little kid is?" Gabriel panted as he ran up the stairs.

"What about him, Gabriel?" Cas snapped, getting very annoyed very quickly.

"I think we found something on a devil worship near where your kid might be." Gabriel said, out of breath when he reached the top of the stairs. He realized too late that he could have just zapped himself up there. Cas narrowed his eyes at his brother.

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