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Castiel and Dean both looked at Gabriel in alarm. Gabriel payed them no attention, instead, he chuckled at poor Sammy Winchester and helped him back up to his feet.

"Gabriel? But, you died. You were dead." Dean said, pointing at Gabriel accusingly. Gabe rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I already explained it to Sammy, I don't want to have to repeat myself, Dean." Gabriel said tiredly.

Sam brushed himself off and gave Dean a knowing look. Cas just looked at his brother in a mixture of fear and confusion. The last time that he had seen Gabriel alive, he had sent him to the farthest corner of the Earth to leave his friends to fend for themselves.

"You did something with your feathers, didn't you?" Castiel guessed. Gabriel smiled, his face brightening. At least someone around here was smart enough to figure out his genius plan.

"I did! Well done, little brother!" Cas said fondly. He walked over to his brother and wrapped his arms around him. He would never admit it to the others, but he missed Cas. His little brother was the only one who ever seemed to care about what happened to him.

"Gabriel? What-what happened?" Cas began to ask, pulling himself away from his brother. He started to relax when they both got doused in holy water. Dean stood by Cas's side, holding an empty bucket of which the contents of were all over the two angels.

"Really?" Gabriel said, unimpressed.

"Sorry. Had to check." Dean explained and nervously cleared his throat. Embarrassed, he put away the bucket and glanced over at Sam.

"Okay, are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?" Dean asked in a harsh whisper. Sam glanced at the angels nervously. They were both in a deep conversation, and they didn't seem at all worried about what the winchesters were doing.

"That DVD that he gave us when we thought he was dead apparently had his feather in it. My guess is that it saved itself to my laptop and everytime I used it. Maybe it got powerful enough now after I've used the laptop often enough to resurect him." Sam guessed with an unsure shrug.

"Hello. Archangel here." Gabe said, jumping into their conversation. He glanced at the two boys expressions and sighed sadly.

"Yeah, but how-" Dean started.

"Oh save it lover boy. Your boyfriend can help explain." Gabe said, turning to Castiel and winking at him.

"Look, he is not-"

"I said save it. Look, I'm an archangel which means that my angel powers are a bit different than most. Most ressurections recuire things like blood and sacrifices and blah, blah, blah. Me? I perfer to hide until the time is right for me to jump out. That feather used up a lot of your and Sam's energy to bring me back. The energy of family love." Gabriel said, sighing dramatically at the end and ruffling Dean's hair. Dean glared and Gabriel, not happy that this guy was already back. Sure. He saved their skins once, but he had also wanted Lucifer to posses his little brother and he wasn't ready for Sam to go through that again. Dean wasn't ready to go through that again.

Dean sighed and sat down on the bed and tried to refix his hair. He looked up at Sam and Gabriel. Gabe was waggling his eyebrows at him which only annoyed him more.

"Look, Gabriel, I trust that you're here on good terms, but the last couple of times haven't exactly been fun for Dean or I." Sam explained, putting a hand on Gabriel's shoulder.

"I saved your sorry asses last time and died." Gabe snapped, glaring at Sam.

"I know." Sam sighed.

"You two better worship me. If it weren't for me, Kali would have you two served to Michael and Lucifer on a silver platter." Gabriel growled at Sam. Sam looked at him in sympathy. he trusted Gabriel, was that a bad thing since Gabriel had put him through so much hardship before?

"Fine, you want to stay here, that's perfectly fine." Dean growled, not happy. He ran his fingers through his hair nervously and paced the room.

"We could go back to the bunker with Garth and Kevin." Sam suggested.

"Garth is still missing and I thought Kevin wanted us lost so that he could work in peace on the tablet that we need translated to close the gates of hell." Dean grumbled.

"We can still go back to the bunker. Cas, could you check-" Sam started and then frowned when he couldn't find the angel

"Goddammit, Castiel." Dean grumbled and got out his phone to call Kevin. Sam led Gabriel back out to the car, his bag slung over one shoulder.

"So, Kevin, funny story..." Dean started explaining everything over the ohone as Sam and Gabriel slipped into the back seat of the Impala.

"Do you know where your brother went?" Sam wondered, looking over at Gabriel. He seemed a lot more attractive then the last time he had seen the angel.

"Probably taking care of the human he was assigned to." Gabriel said with a small shrug. He watched as Dean walked around in the room with the phone pressed to his ear.

"The human? Assigned to? What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked. A confused frown on his face as he looked at Gabriel.

"Assigned to, yes." Gabe said, turning to look at Sam. "Did he not tell you that he was a Guardian Angel?"

"Well, yeah, but he said that he was guarding Dean." Sam said. Gabriel huffed and rolled his eyes.

"He might have pulled your brother's ass from the pit, but he was not assigned to him." He scoffed, knowing that the angels would never assign Dean to Castiel.

"Why would he lie?" Sam asked as Dean walked out of the room. 

"He's a Guardian Angel to try and slow the process of his Fall." Gabriel whispered as Dean slipped into the driver's seat of the car.

"Fa-" Sam started and was cut off when Gabriel leaned over to kiss him.

"So, Kevin-woah! Woah! Not on the seat!" Dean exclaimed, his eyes getting wide when he saw Gabriel and Sam. Gabriel pulled away from the shocked younger Winchester.

"Sorry, big boy." Gabriel said with a wink. Dean grumbled something that Sam and Gabriel couldn't hear. He backed out of the parking lot and turned up the volume.

"I'm gonna be scarred for life. I did not need to see that." Dean complained.

"I was just trying to make sure that you wouldn't continue talking about you know what." Gabriel said pointedly. Sam just stared at him, brows furrowed and his eyes wide at Gabriel.

"What. The. Hell?" Sam hissed at Gabe. "You could have just put your hand over my mouth like a normal person!"

"I could have, but that wouldn't have been as entertaining." Gabriel chuckled, winking at Sam. "Besides, am I anything like normal people?"

"I guess not." Sam grumbled, starting to come back from his initial shock. He was kissed by an angel. An archangel. It's not like he was complaining, but it was just so....

"Anyways, as I was saying, Kevin says that we need to be quiet when we get there." Dean said, having not heard Gabriel and Sam's conversation.

"Alright." Sam said loud enough so that his brother could hear.

"While we are on the subject, Gabriel, would you mind looking up where Castiel might be?" Dean asked, trying not to show how worried he was about his angel. His angel? No, no. He meant the angel that helped them seemingly no matter what.

"I know that your boyfriend is in a small town in the south." Gabriel teased.

"Not my boyfriend." Dean snapped, making Sam snicker in the back seat.

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