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Lucifer hid in the shadows of the dark basement. He crouched in the corner, a smile twisting his features as he waited there. A teenage girl came down, waving a flashlight around. Lucifer's smile widened, having turned off the power in the house. The girl was walking about the basement with a blanket draped over her shoulders as she looked around for the power box to turn back on the lights. She hadn't come down right away since she had ben on her lap top until it died. She wasn't especially skinny, nor was she very fat. She had been alone in the house for quite some time, having cut herself a few times while alone in the kitchen. It was the smell of hopelessness mixed with the smell of blood had attracted him.

"I need to finish the episode and then I'll sleep." she mumbled to herself as she shuffled around, in her bare feet. There was a hiss near her, making her jump and fumbled with her flashlight.

She was obviously frightened easily, making Lucifer's plan all easier and more fun. There was a growling sound that surrounded the girl, freezing her in her place. Her eyes were wide with fear and she clutched the blanket around her as she looked around. She swallowed took a small step forward when her flashlight flickered off.

"Shit. No. No." She groaned and threw the flashlight down. She pulled out her phone from her bra and switched on the flashlight for that.

The flooded on Lucifer's purple face, his red eyes gleaming. A strange green goo dripped from his mouth as he stumbled towards the girl. Absolutely terrified, she screamed and stumbled backwards on her backside. Lucifer giggled and took a step closer to her. She hesitated before chucking the phone at Lucifer, throwing her in complete darkness. Lucifer only laughed at her weak attempts of escape.

"Feisty, aren't you?" He growled and she scrambled to her feet. She didn't two steps when something grabbed her hair, yanking her down with a yelp.

"Help me! Help!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

There was suddenly light and she was alone. She sat there on the ground, panting and her heart pounding in her chest. She swallowed and grabbed her phone, heading back up the stairs.

"Alright, Lydia, you need to calm down." She muttered to herself as she closed the door to the basement. Lydia made a mental note to not go back down there alone, or at least to not watch anymore Supernatural at three in the morning. She ran a tan hand through her messy curly hair and made her way into her bedroom. She felt like some one was watching her and it felt cold fingers down her spin, making her shiver.

"Lydia, calm down. It's three in the morning and you're obviously...dreaming. Yeah, dreaming." She said, trying to convince herself.

"I should say so. None of this seems to make sense." Lucifer agreed, nodding from her bed. She yelped and scrambled backwards. Then, just like before, he vanished. Lydia swallowed again and peeled herself from the wall that she had backed herself against.

"What the hell?" She whispered and made her way into her bathroom. She leaned over the counter and narrowed her eyes at her reflection. There was a reflection behind her of a child with purple and blue skin, smiling with green teeth and red eyes. She gasped and turned around to see nothing behind. She looked back at the mirror and saw the child standing beside her. She closed her eyes and held her breath. There is no one there. There is no one there. There is no one there. She repeated in her mind and she opened her eyes. There wasn't some one in the mirror with her. Lydia let out a sigh of relief and she relaxed, a small smile on her face. She laughed almost hysterically to herself. She looked back at the door to see Lucifer standing there with the same creepy smile spread across his face.

Lydia screamed and fell backwards, hitting the floor hard. Lucifer took a shaky step forward and Lydia screamed again.

"What the hell do you want from me?" She screamed, backing against the side of the tub. Lucifer cackled and stood beside Lydia, crouching down and sticking his hand in her stomach. A scream ripped from Lydia's throat as pain flooded her. She coughed up blood and started shaking violently against the pain. Lucifer dug his hand further into her, followed by sickening crunching noises as Lucifer snapped bones with ease. Lydia choked, passing out from pain when Lucifer jerked his hand back out. Blood and pieces of guts covered it like a glove. He brought his mouth close to it and hummed as he savored the sweet taste of human blood.

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