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I managed to avoid Beckett and Orion for about a week.

Naturally Arthur and Demi were both rather suspicious of me when I explained I was just obeying doctor's orders by staying in my room, lying down, relaxing, keeping off my leg so my hip could repair, but they didn't bother arguing with me. Even if it was out of character for me, at least good came of it, because my hip was healing, not hurting as much, and the rest of my injuries didn't need to be bandaged any longer.

Because of that, I didn't even need a nurse to come in daily to check me over, so I just locked my door and window, isolating myself completely for seven days straight. A few times Demi tried to join me, but I told him he needed to look after Kailas and that I was fine. Gale would bring me food two times a day, but after a while I stopped eating, because getting the food meant unlocking and opening my door, which would risk Orion or Beckett seeing me.

A week was all I managed to do before Demi picked the lock of my door before dragging me out of my room to eat with everyone else, "I don't know what you're sulking about, but it ends now. You can't just hide in your room like an angsty child and refuse to eat or see anyone."

"I'm fine," I argued, but Demi ignored me and just forced me into the dining room.

I was admittedly hungry, so I didn't complain too much, but when I caught sight of Orion and Beckett at the table, I slumped down and folded my arms. You know, like a punk child. Evidently, I was dead set on proving Demi's definition of me to be accurate. Go me.

Gale, who was sitting beside me, tugged on my sleeve, curiosity in his eyes, and I just frowned at him, "What now?"

He held up both index fingers, looking at them, "Two more."

I cringed, "I hate you sometimes."

Gale just smiled and appeared pleased as he turned back to his plate as I leaned my head back with a sigh. Two more months of that bullshit bet, and of course Gale was the one to remind me of that. Maybe I could just keep myself busy? I didn't need to wear the brace on my leg anymore, so I was completely ready for perimeter check.

"Is there anything I can do today?" I asked, rolling my head to look over at Kailas, "Since I'm free to walk now, I can go out on perimeter."

Kailas just hummed, lifting a forkful of sausage up to his lips, "I think we could use a few hands in the armory to organize weapons and clean guns."

I groaned, "That's the most boring job we have, though."

"Yes, but Arthur hasn't released you into active duty yet, so simple jobs are all I can offer."

I glared at Arthur, who just arched an eyebrow as if daring me to argue. I didn't, that wouldn't get me anywhere, but I did slide a little lower in my seat and continued to mumble curses and poke at my food with my fork.

In the end, I decided it wasn't too big of a deal that I was on gun cleaning duty. Then I got to the armory, sat down, started cleaning a gun, and immediately had the urge to shoot myself when the door opened and I caught sight of Cass and Orion, who smiled when he saw me.

"Cass, do you want me to accidentally talk about that whole hallway scene I saw?" I asked, and Cass squinted at me.

"This was Kailas' idea, thanks," he pushed Orion into the room and followed, "This isn't a one-man job, so Kailas asked Orion if he'd help out."

"Of course he did," I scoffed, turning sharply away from the door and scrubbing at the gun angrily, "I showed Carina a picture of you as a kid. Have fun with that."

"You did what?! Why the fuck?! Does he still have it?! Shit!" Cass ran out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him, and I couldn't help the smirk that broke across my face.

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