Chapter 3

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      All heads turned in my direction.I fidgeted under their gazes.This is soooo embarrasing.

      Whispers started to ring out between students.I heard snippets of their conversations.

      “Who is she."

      “She surly doesn't look special."

      “She's pretty cute."

      That last comment caught me off guard.It was from a girl.Who looked to be 17.

       I then noticed a 3 legged stool standing on a stage.On that stool lied the dirtiest hat I have ever seen.It was patched and frayed.

       Dumbledore walked over.“Come now,Ally.You must get sorted."He lead me to the stool and hat.

        I knew that the hat was special,so I wasn't surprised when the seam near the base opened to form a mouth.

         I sat down on the stool and the hat began to talk.

          “Hmmm.Curious,curious.You have a very ready mind.So wise and knowledgeable.Much like a Ravenclaw.


       “Very loyal and kind.Don't forget caring.Perfect traits for Hufflepuff.

     “Sly and cunning when you want to be.Very witty and clever.Also perfect for Slytherin.

      “You also are very brave and curious.You follow your heart.Also perfect for Gryffindor.

         “My dear,you are very hard to sort.You had a hard past but you stayed strong and faithful.You are a very powerful witch.You also come from a very powerful bloodline,purebloods."

          Strange enough,I knew what the Sorting Hat was talking about.

      “I should put you in Slytherin because of your pure blood.Hmmm."

        It seemed like an eternity before the Hat decided it's decision.

       “After much decision,"it started out loud,“I have decided to sort you in.......................................................................................................................GRYFFINDOR!!"

       The table on the far right of me burst into applause and cheers.

        I stood up and walked to the table that was clad with students in scarlet and gold.

        I sat down next to a girl with fiery red hair and emerald green eyes.“Hi!I'm Lilly."she announced herself.I smiled at her.

        “I'm Ally.Nice to meet you Lilly."She was very pretty and I saw a boy with messy black hair and blue eyes looking at her.He had glasses on.

         I smirked at him,a mischievous glint in my eyes.A plan had formed.

         “Do you know who that guy is?"I asked Lilly,pointing at the guy who was eyeing her.

          “James Potter."She sneered.Hmm.Seems like she hates him.This makes my smirk grow.Perfect.

            I look up to see Dumbledore making another speech.“I only have a few words to say.Here they are:Bubble.Tweak.Oddment.Nillywit.Thank you."He then sits down.

             I looked down at the empty golden plates and goblets.My stomach growls and I suddenly remember that I was hungry.

          Tonnes of food appears and I grab everything in sight.By the time I'm on steak number 9 Lilly says,“Wow,for someone so skinny,you sure do eat alot."I ponder that for a second.

          “Well,I never did have enough to eat at the orphanage.So,yeah well."I just made it awkward.To break the awkward moment,I decide to put my plan into action.

           “Yo!Potter,Lupin,Pettigrew,and Black.Get over here."I think about it and add“Please!"

               The boys look at each other in bewilderment and walk over.

       Sirius Black has black hair and grey eyes.He was cute.Wait,who said that?Peter Pettigrew is a short,chubby little boy with brown hair and brown eyes.Remus Lupin is tall and lanky.He has brown hair and brown eyes.

        Lilly glared at each one of them.“So I hear your having trouble studying for tests.Lilly and I would love to help."

         “Why?"Lily mouthed with a pained expression.“Don't you want revenge for what they did to you and Severus on the train?Or after that?"

         Lilly almost fell out of her chair when she heard my voice in her head.She gave me the slightest nod and I smiled at her brightly.

         “-other than that,ok fine."James had just finished the catches to this deal.To bad we tuned him out.

        “Okay."I said.Desert appeared and we dug in once again.When the feast was finished,Dumbledore made a speech again.

           Something about not going into the forbidden forest or near the Weeping Willow tree.Then he dismissed us.

            I got up with Lilly and followed her up a staircase.By the time we were at the middle,I had suddenly stopped abruptly.I didn't feel like myself anymore.“Lilly!"I croaked loudly. I felt myself fall over,and right before I fainted,I heard“Ally!"

       Sirius POV

      “Ally!"I heard Lilly yell.James and I looked behind ourselves to the back of the group.

       There Ally was,flying down the stairs unconscious.Before her head could hit a step,her eyes opened and she stopped.

      Her eyes had turned a beautiful silver.Her hair,honey gold.She looked older and wiser.“Get Dumbledore." a prefect yelled.

     About a minute later,Dumbledore had appeared.By that time,Ally has floated upright.She was literally glowing.

      She the started to speak.Her voice was soft and melodic.Like tiny bells playing in the wind.

        “I am sorry to say that Ally is not here at the moment.What I am about to tell you will be forgotten until Ally comes of age.

        She is the chosen one.The one who will rid the world of evil.But after she dies,evil will rise again.

        Young Harry will weaken Him as a baby.Then in his 7th year he will defeat Him.Heed my warning.You are not to interrupt this prophecy.

        If you do so,the world will no longer have good or purity.Evil will prevail.But with Ally alive,evil will vanquish until Harry's mother is pregnant with him.Good luck."

        With that she floated to where she was in front of me.“Protect her."she whispered.Then she collapsed in my arms.Her hair returned to its normal brown.

       Everyone forgot that prophecy about her and this so called Harry.But I remembered when she had whispered protect her to me.I will always protect her.

       Wait,what am I saying.I hardly know her.The question is,why can't I get her final words out of my mind?

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