Chapter 5

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Lilly and I boarded the Hogwarts Express, content expressions on our faces, happy to be going home.

We walked to the middle of the train, only stopping when we saw an empty compartment. Well, semi-empty.

You see, Potter and his crew (the Marauders) have an invisible cloak. I can ~obviously~ see them when they are being covered by it. Call it one of my many gifts. *Cue evil smirk*

Heads up, Marauders, 12:00. In invisibility cloak. I mind linked Lilly.

Okay. Thanks for the heads up. Now lets have some fun. Where's Potter? Lilly asked.

3:00 to my right. I instantly replied.

I take Potter and Pettigrew. You take Black and Lupin. Lilly said.

We both shared smirks. Lets do this!

I walked over to Black and sat down, making sure to smooth down my dress, painfully slow.

I noticed how squishy Black was. I lifted my feet and placed them on Lupin's lap,causing my dress to ride up a little to mid thigh (It was a few inches above my knees).

I laid back against the wall, my hands behind my head.I raised my left knee -dont worry, I had on shorts underneath the dress- and turned my head to Lilly. She had mirrored my actions.

She was sitting on Potter with her feet in Pettigrews lap, her back resting against the wall, her right knee up.

The Maruders faces were red. Not in anger, but embarrassment.

I jiggled around to a comfortable position, forgetting that I was in Black's lap for a second.

I smirked at Lilly. "What were you saying about Potter before we got on the train?" I addressed Lilly.

Go along with it. "Oh yeah, I was saying that he's cute-" at this part, Potters face lit up," -and all, but not my type."

Her eyes held mischief, I then knew that she had thought of something, so did I.

"Oh, yeah you were saying that the only way that you would go out with him if he called himself an idiot in front of the entire school-" she continued on for me" -he has to find a way to get into the Slytherin common room and come back with proof, and save me from something truly dangerous, like the Whomping Willow."

By the time she finished the trolley came. I bought 3 of everything.

Lilly only got 2 Cauldron Cakes and 3 Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. I opened a pack of my own,taking out a brown bean.

"Do you dare me to eat this?" I asked Lilly."I dare you to eat that."

I took a bite, chewed, and swallowed. It tasted sweet.

"Oh my God, Lilly!" I exclaimed. She gasped! "You finally got it, didn't you?!"

"Yes! I finally got it! I finally got chocolate!" I said excitedly.

"Oh gosh, dont get a sugar rush, ok? It's hard enough to study with you bouncing off the walls everyday." She groaned.

"I won't be making any promises!"

Luna and Artemis came out of their baskets and snuggled into me.

Zeus was wrapped around my right arm and Midnight and Amber were on their perches in their cages. I discovered that I was animal tongue, meaning that I could talk to any type of animal and understand them.

Lilly and I talked about school and other random stuff. As I licked the cream from a Pastry Puff off of my finger, I heard Black audibly gulp.

"Lilly, did you just gulp?" I asked.

"No." Lilly said. Putting our acting skills to use, we acted worried.

"Then who did?" I asked. "Ally, why are the chairs so squishy?They never are like this."

We both jumped up at the same time, abruptly screaming. That in turn caused the Maruders to scream like the wimps they are. I then took that as a chance to yank the invisibility cloak off of them.

"Caught in the act!"I exclaimed with a haughty laugh. Their screams died down when the realized that they were no longer in the protection of their cloak.

"We have half a mind to rip your precious little cloak to shreds!" Lilly and I said at the same time. "Now, tell us what you think your playing at or so help us lord! You wouldn't want what's coming your way."

No one said anything, so I grabbed their weakest links, Pettigrew and Lupin.

I walked up to Lupin. I was only a few inches away from him. I leaned over and placed my lips to his ears and whispered some things you might not want to hair.

He flushed red, then he went pale, then back to red.

Since he didnt say anything, I did the same to Pettigrew. He did the same as Lupin, but he had started whimpering.

I then went to Black and hugged him, pressing our bodies close. I rubbed circled in the back of his neck, and made sure to blow hot hair into his ear.

I could feel his knees trembling."If you dont tell me what you were thinking, I will take you to some place alone and I will.........." I trailed off, letting him think if the possibilities.

I knew one more thing would make him brake so I kissed him, an inch away from his lips, and pulled away from him, sending him a wink.

I walked over to Lilly and cocked my hips, waiting for the explanation from him.

Black was red from the face down. "" He saw how I stared at him and licked my lips slowly and that was when he spilled the beans.

"Well, we origanally were planning on just hanging out in here, but when you and Lilly came we decided on pranking you so we stayed under our invisibility cloak but then you sat on us and then we were immobile not knowing what to do until you screamed and then we screamed so now here we are."

By the time Black had finished, Lilly and I had eaten all of our food, and the rest of the Maruders were glaring at Black.

I smiled sweetly,"GET OUT!" They all rushed out, pulling Black behind them.

Remus POV

I was still red from what Ally had said. With those words combined with her, anyone would go red.

James went into a speech, saying that even though our enemies are hot, that doesn't mean we have to go telling them our plans. Or something like that.

Sirius, Peter, and I were still in a daze, so we didn't hear a word he said.

"Dude, if you heard what she said, you wouldn't be ranting on and on about this."

"Sirius is right, she is deadly and dangerous. I almost told her the entire plan and about my furry little problem."

I had agreed with Sirius on that one. So did Peter.

Ally POV

When they left the compartment, Lills and I bust out laughing. Those expressions were to die for.

"That had to be the best moment of my life!" I told Lills, and she agreed.

A couple minutes later, we arrive at Hogwarts. The full moon outside shone brightly, giving me energy.

I knew a great change would happen in a few years, so did Dumbledore.

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