Chapter 7

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      A huge black dog came bounding out of no where,pushing me to the floor.

      Remus jumped at the appearance of the black dog.He skidded to a stop,taken aback.

      It appears that the Maruders were animagi.Hmmm.I should've known.They always snuck off somewhere on a full moon.

      After a few minutes of staring at each other, awkwardly might I add, I broke the silence.

      “¿¡Qué demonios!?Muchachos sun tan estúpidos."

        I then shoved Black, now in human form, off of me.He replied with an,“ Uhhh.....¿No abló taco bell?"

         I bust out laughing, despite our little situation.“¡Muchachos son estupidós!"

         Lupin, even in wolf form, seemed to be the only one who understood me.“Mé Lupin."

          Lupin rolled his eyes and I stood up.The awkward silence was back.

          A few hours later, the sun started to rise.Lupin gradually transformed back into his old self.

         You're probably wondering why I stuck around, aren't ya?Well,I was forced to stay until I swore not to tell anyone about the little encounter with Lupin.

        That's exactly how Potter said it.Okay,okay, not exactly how he said it,but it was pretty close.

        I wasn't going to tell anyone, anyway.I just wanted to mess with them.One thing led to another, and Black and Potter needed crutches.

        So now, were hobbling up the hill to Hogwarts' Great Hall.

         Me, having to carry Lupin since Pettigrew had a zero percent chance of lifting even a marble, and Potter and Black were,you know, temporarily handicapped.

         I made a stretcher, that floats, for both of them.What made everything worse was my bad mood, seeing as I haven't eaten since the train ride,causing a downpour, thunder and lightning included.

        We eventually reached the front door of Hogwarts.I yanked it open grumpily.

         Cool air blasted from the castle so we ended up drying instantly.

          Stepping through the doorway, we scurried to the hospital wing.

           Madam Pomfrey rushed out of office just as I dropped Lupin in a bed.

           “Oh dear!What happened to you guys?"

         “Qué es una luna llena, usted debe saber esto."

           She nodded.“Lupin is just weak from his transformation.I broke Black's and Potter's arms.Pettigrew is fine."

           Pomfrey sighed.“Alright Ally.You must be starving.Go to the kitchens and get some food in you.When you're done,get some sleep.And for you two.."

         She turned to the hopeful looking Black and Potter.“Get in a bed.I'll be back with a healing and sleeping potion."

        She left and I did as I was told.....But not before secretly hexing Potter and Black........

        Muahahahahahahahahahah hahahahaha hahaha haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!



        Hey guys!I am going to make another story,like right after I post this.It shall be called.........Breakthrough.

        Also,I love you guys.Every time I see an increase in votes,fans,and comments, I feel a burst of pride.Thank you.I love you guys.Continue to make me proud *wipes tear and sniffles*:-*.






         Peace out 4 now


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