Chapter 6

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     Lilly and I stepped off of the train,red in the face from laughing so much.

     We both high-fived each other,murmuring a good job.

      We walked to the carriages,me rubbing a thestrals head,and Lilly walking into a carriage.

      Out of the corner of my eye,I saw the Maruders sneaking off somewhere.I turned myself invisible,thinking an invisibility spell,and called out to Lilly,“I'll see you in the Great Hall,I have to check something!"

         I heard a faint,“Okay!"but I was already walking away.

         Catching up to the Maruders,I followed them to the Whomping Willow.

         Right before my eyes,I saw Pettigrew turn into a fat,gray rat.He scampered over to the tree and pressed a knot.

      The Whomping Willow's branches froze,and the rest of the Maruders scurried in.

     Lupin,I noticed,was very pale and.looked very sick.The scars on his face seemed more prominent in the moonlight.

      I followed them in quickly,and just as I was through the hole,the tree unfroze.

       Breathing a sigh of relief,I continued to trail behind the Maruders.The ceiling was dropping,so I had to crouch down.

        They went into tunnels, twisting and turning,until the ceiling and floor leveled out into a room.

          Everything was scratched up and broken.A table was upturned and a sofa had claw marks on it.The windows were boarded up,the curtains shredded.

       My observations were interrupted by the sound of snapping bones.

       My eyes widened in shock when fur started to sprout from Lupin's skin,and an audible gasp rebounded off of the walls when I saw something I probably shouldn't have seen.

        There a werewolf stood in Lupin's place,growling and snarling.The werewolf was Lupin.

         I felt my concentration drop, along with my spell.I saw the rest of the Maruders eyes widen in shock and panic.

         Lupin tensed up and sniffed the air.His muscles coiled,and then they released as he pounced.

         Everyone was frozen in fear when he came charging.........strait at me.

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