Nightmares So Vivid In My Dreams

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Running around in circles, that was all she could do.

"Run, run, run," whispered hallow voices as she ran as fast as she could, tears streaming down her face as her mind throbbed with panic since her heart couldn't.

"Your heart is ice, your heart is metal, your heart is cold, your heart is dead," repeated the voices again and again, hauntingly as she dodged some of the metal bullets that were fired at her.

"He does not love you, he loves her. She doesn't love you, she forgot you," echoed another set of voices as she collapsed on her knees.

"Stop!" Begged Elsa loudly, crying as she clutched her head, trying to block all the voices away, "stop!" She yelled as she woke up.

Panting and sweating, Elsa woke up and glanced up to the sky.

"A dream..." she whispered as she narrowed her eyes. Trying to work out why did it occur. After all, everything has a purpose.

"You okay?" Asked Kristoff as she looked over to him.

"Yeah," she answered coolly as she stood up.

"We should get looking for Jack," informed Anna as she snatched her bow and a bag filled with arrows from the ground.

"Where did you get that?" Asked Elsa hesitantly as Anna looked at the bow and arrow set.

"I found them last night while I was on watch," she answered with a smile, "I just found them by those rocks," she added as she pointed to a pile of rocks while Elsa's eyes widened.

Quickly, Elsa grabbed the arrows and bow out from Anna's hands and flung them far away, but while the arrows were in the air, they exploded.

"Don't pick things up that you just find lying here," she said in a cold voice as she began walking away.


Many days passed, almost a week, but yet they could not find Jack. No one had died, yet. But the nightmares wouldn't leave Elsa, they kept attacking her, again and again. 

"You think you're powerful, amazing, brave. You think that you can control your powers but you can't. You're a ticking bomb," came that cursed hallow voice in Elsa's dream, again.

"Who are you? Why do you never answer?" Asked Elsa as tried to stand strong, her hands clenched as beads of sweat tricked at the back of her neck.

"You think you're smart, but are you really? Look at you! This isn't reality and yet, you are terrified," taunted that voice, with a bit of humor in it.

"Tell me, who are you! Why do you keep appearing?" Yelled Elsa as she tried to find the source of that voice, her eyes darting around in the dark void.

"Do you really want to know who I am?" Asked the voice as Elsa eagerly replied, "yes!"

Black and blue swirls appeared in front of her, all forming into a human being, or more like a monster.  The swirls caused Elsa to cough harshly as a shadow appeared. The person that stood in front of Elsa though, looked just like her, except that she wore a black metal armor, and her hair was up in a ponytail. A cruel smirk decorated her blood red lips as her eyes glistened with sadistic joy.

"I am you... I am the fear you created all those years ago, all pent up until now... I am you!" It yelled before it went inside Elsa's body. Causing Elsa to allow an ear piercing scream to erupt into the empty void. 


Jack was lying down, looking up at the sky. The artificial stars and moon were shining brightly, almost like the original night sky.

Staying with Rapunzel and Flynn sure took a lot of energy out of him, so much more tiring. Every day, they would try go on hunts, trying to find trails or any sources of food for later. 

Even so, he always thought of Elsa, what was she doing now? Is she okay? How about Anna? But then he thought about that Kristoff guy. Jack knew he liked Elsa, even loves her, but it didn't feel right. No matter the urge to be with her, to hold her, kiss her. To make her smile, to make her laugh. It felt like something he wasn't able to do. Something that he couldn't achieve. Especially in this death game. He always felt like he was never good enough for her.

Lost in his thoughts, he wandered away from the rest of the pack he was in. The crunching of the plants and trees weren't bothering him, he couldn't even care if other people heard him. But there was a surprise for him. After few more minutes, he came across a sleeping body. Her hair was scattered against the tree that she was laying on, her eyes clenched tightly as she flinched a bit in her sleep.

"Elsa," he whispered gently as he walked over to her quietly. And that's when he noticed the rest of the crew were all sleeping as well.

As Jack was going to give Elsa a small, quick kiss, because of the urge in his heart telling him to. A sudden swirl of black and blue energy surrounded Elsa, knocking Jack's body to the ground.

Elsa's eyes snapped open, her body was withering in pain as she screamed with all her might, until her throat felt like it was on fire.

"What's going on?!" Yelled Anna as Elsa kept screaming, Anna's eyes swarmed with panic.

"I don't know!" Replied Jack quickly as Rapunzel and Flynn appeared from the bushes.

"What now?" Asked Flynn as he drew out a sword, positioning him into a fencing stance.

Panting and kneeling on the the ground mixed with grass and rocks was Elsa. As everyone looked over at her, she slowly stood up. Changes were made on her. Her eyes were now glowing brightly with red, as she wore a tinted black metal armor with swirls decorated the chest piece, her hair was tied up in a ponytail by metal strands as she flexed her hands.

"Destroy," she said in a hallow, robotic voice as she looked at everyone with a bloody red smirk. 

Hey guyz! Sorry for the VERY long update... And that it is so short >.< But I am addicted to a new web that I found... It's called "Gaia" and if you make one, feel free to add me! My name on it is InsanePurpleLove     I own nothing and I am very sorry about that mistakes!

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