[13]▫️LET ME KISS YOU▫️v.2✅

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04. let me kiss you - with a different ending


"Stiles? Hey, Stiles!" His eyes snap open. "You zoned out on me there, bud."

He stretches his arms and yawns. "Bud? That's what I am to you now. Bud?"

"You don't like it?" I question him with a tilt of my chin.

"No. Not really." He swings his chair around in a circle. "I have a name for a reason."

"Oh, and uh, what is that exactly? Hm?"

He scoffs. "The only way you'll ever know is if we walk down the aisle one day."

It's weird but kind of charming, the way he says something like that and doesn't seemed fazed. Like he's so sure we'll be together for the rest of our lives.

"Can you shut up and come help me with this."

He gets up from his spinning desk chair and lies on his stomach next to me. "I can. But I won't."

I roll my eyes. "Help me, please."


I flip through my Math book until I find my pencil, which is marked on the page I'm stuck on. "I'm fine with numbers until letters get involved too."

"Yeah, algebra wasn't my strong suit at first either. Luckily, Lydia gave me notes for this exact page."

"Okay. Thank you."

"You should thank Lydia." He says as he gets up and starts searching through his backpack.

I tap my pen against my book while I wait, and I can't help it, but I have to ask.

"So, you studied with Lydia, huh?" I clear my throat. "Uh- when?"

He closes one drawer and opens another. "Never. You're my only study partner. She used to help Malia and Scott all the time so now she just writes notes and prints them for everybody."

"What about me? I never get them."

"Well, that's because you're way smart. Like, same level as Lydia. You don't even need these."

"Except for algebra."

Stiles echoes you. "Except for algebra."

He takes out a small stack of paper held together with a staple. When he turns around, I look down at my nails. He chuckles. "Were you asking to check in on me?"


He smirks. "I like when you get jealous."

He drops the paper in front of me. "I'm not."

Stiles sits back down in his chair and puts his hands behind his head, yawning. "Of course not."


"Stiles? Stiles." I hear a huff from across the room. "Babe!"

"What?" he replies in a whiney voice. "Can I just sleep?"

"It's just gone 7pm, and you said you would help me."

"I did. Lydia's notes are like a frigging magical knowledge spell book."

His eyes close and he starts to fall to sleep again. I turn to the back of my book and pull out a couple of pages. I screw them up into a ball, sit up with my back against the wall and then throw it at him. It whacks him square in the nose.
He jumps and screams manically.

"Dude, my face!" I snort and don't even attempt to hide my amused expression. "Oh, you think that's funny, huh? Y/N."

"Yeah, actually I do."

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