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I jump awake when someone suddenly starts to knock frantically on my door. "Jesus! What the-"

The banging gets louder and more rapid. "I'm coming, hang on!"

I stand up and quickly do the top buttons of my boyfriend's shirt up. The banging doesn't stop for a beat. "I said-" I take 4 long strides to the door and pull it open. "-I'm coming.."

My voice lowers when I see who it is. I lean against the door frame and smile. "Stiles! Hey, what are you doing here so late? Not that I mind.. but this is slightly unannounced-"

I huff when I realise that I'm rambling and my cheeks heat. I calm myself and finally take in his appearance. His forehead is sweaty and his eyes are looking me up and down, over and over. "Wait.." I take one step forward and cup his jaw with my hand. His face is burning hot. My eyes widen. "-are you okay, baby, what's happened?"

He sounds out of breath when he starts to talk, in his 'I'm mad at you voice'. "Where.. have you.. been?"

I step back, letting my hand fall to my side before I raise it to my chest. My heart starts to pound. When I don't answer, he snaps. "Where's your phone!?"

I frown. "It's upstairs..?"

He storms past me into my sitting room, so I shut the door. He eyes the room looking for.. what? Then he runs up to my room while I stand in shock. What the hell is he doing!? He returns with my phone. He holds it in front of me.

"Unlock it."

He looks away, expecting me to type my passcode. "Stilinski, twenty four."

His head whips around. "What?"

"Stilinski. Twenty four." I repeat. "I trust you with my password, Stiles. Just type it in."

For a moment, he calms and then nods before typing in the letters and numbers that open up my phone for him to see. "Look."

I peer down and he's clicked on my messages. There are fifty three from Stiles and twelve from Scott. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"Stiles. I- I'm sorry. I left my phone upstairs and crashed on the sofa for a while. I didn't-" I twist my head to the side a little. "Why were you texting so much anyway?"

Stiles clears his throat and hands me my phone before turning around. I follow him, walking around so that he's facing me once again.

"Stiles! Tell me." He looks everywhere but at my face. "Stiles!" I try to make him look at me but he won't give in, and won't meet my eye. "Okay, seriously! You can't barge in here, start searching my house, act like a jerk and then not tell me what's going on!"

He meets my eye and I see his soften, but he still doesn't say anything. "Fine, I'm going up to bed, you can leave whenever you want. Just don't bother talking to me tomorrow," I turn and head for the stairs. "If you can't trust me enough to tell me what's wrong now then how-"

STILES STILINSKI▫️imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now