Chapter 37

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Autumns POV

I showed Freya the pregnancy test and she......

Gasped while looking down and up again.

"Wow, we have another sidemen baby," she said while dancing around.

"Another?!?" I say confusingly.

"Don't tell Josh but I'm pregnant,"

"Omg congrats, how far along are you," I say

"About 2 months"

"Well" I say causing us to laugh.

Jut then Kayleigh and Emily Geere came into the kitchen.

"What's with all this racket," Kay says.

"Well don't tell the guys but me and Freya are pregnant,"

"Congrats," Emily and Kay shout at the same time.

"Si knows about me but the other guys don't," I add.

We all walk into the living room to see Emily Grey and Katie sprawled out across the sofa.

"Oi lazy arses, get up," Freya shouts causing both of them to jump,"we have to get this wedding on the go,"

Wow I'm really doing this.


Hey guys sorry it's short but the next chapters going to be the wedding.

Goooood byyyyeee

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