We Only Come Out At Night

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I stood in the center of the Motionless in White stage, my best friend in the entire world had gotten us backstage passes. I was finally going to meet the band who saved my life time after time again. I looked at the glass floor, staring at my face, wondering if I looked presentable.

"They're coming!" I heard Sasha shout, grabbing me from my shoulders and yanking me backstage. Motionless in White was beginning to set up and this time their concert was sold out. I'll admit, I was nervous and I felt as if my stomach would explode from the millions of butterflies. Scratch that- I had an entire zoo. I smiled wide as I saw Ricky's face come into view. Next I saw Ghost, Balz, and there was Chris. I felt my happiness sink to the bottom of my stomach. It's not that I wasn't happy- I was just freaking out.

"H-Hi" I muttered for that was all I could muster. He looked beautiful in this lighting, although, I bet he looked beautiful in any lighting. His face was flawless and his eyebrows were drawn to perfection. I felt my breath in my throat and I was too nervous to do anything but stare into his deep chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey." Chris replied, he smiled brightly and shook my hand.

"I-I love yo-your music." I laughed nervously.

"Thank you," He bowed, chuckling. "Well I gotta set up. It was a pleasure meeting you two." 

Sasha nodded furiously and all I could do was stare- was I dreaming? I had to be dreaming because this couldn't possibly be real.

It was a few minutes until I heard the roar of the crowd and Motionless in White's tour manager shout, "C'mon guys! You're on!"

I watched intently as the band rushed to the stage and begun their opening song, "We Only Come Out At Night." Chris began to sing and my heart fluttered to the beat of the music.

"Paint your face, tonight we terrorize this town
Coffin case, we gather, our time is now
10/31 we roam the streets in thirst for blood
It all begins all begins with you, with your life

10/31 we roam the streets in thirst for blood
Sleep all day party all night, never grow old never die
It's fun to be a vampire

We are (we are) the children of the night
And we are rising from the grave
To haunt you in your sleep and drink you from your neck

Cry little sister and save these, save these lost boys, thou shall not fall
Be one of us.
Cry little sister and save these, and save these lost boys, thou shall not fall, we can't fall
Be one of us.

We are (we are) the children of the night
And we are rising from the grave
To haunt you in your sleep and drink you from your neck

We are (we are) the children of the night
And we are rising from the grave (from the grave)
To haunt you (to haunt you) in your sleep and drink you from your neck "

Once the concert ended the band came to say goodbye and I felt sadness wash over me- it had all passed by too soon.

Sasha and I walked out of the venue, side by side. I knew I wouldn't ever forget that experience. I felt my heart ache as I watched Chris and the rest of the band climb into their tour bus. 

"Do you think they'll remember me, next time?"

"You know it, how could anyone forget you?" Sasha reassured me, punching my side. 

"Wait, what.." I wondered as Chris opened the bus door and walked out. 

"Do you think..?" Sasha began, her eyes wide. 

I watched intently as Chris walked though the crowd of fans surrounding him. He smiled, laughed, gave a few fist bumps, but in the end, he was staring at me. After what seemed like a lifetime, Chris was face to face with me.

"I feel like I didn't properly say goodbye." He smirked, pulling me into a hug. 

With that, my entire world had collapsed. I couldn't move my eyes from his tattooed shoulder that my head rested on. I couldn't think straight. I could only think of his arms wrapped strongly around my waist and his delicate palms on my lower back. 

"T-Thank you for the great show!" I blurted out. Damn it, I ruined the moment. 

He pulled away and smiled wide. 

"Thank you for coming." He smiled before turning away. 

Sasha's mouth was agape and her eyes were stunningly wide. 

"He gave you his number." She yelped, pouncing onto me. Thus, I fell onto the pavement. 

"Ow," I mumbled, getting to my feet. "Now, what?"

She pulled a slip of paper out from behind my ear. Smooth Chris, smooth. 

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