Ghost in the Mirror

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The wind howled as I stared endlessly at the slip of paper Chris had handed to me. I stood in the center of my kitchen, letting my food sizzle, as I waited intently for me to make up my mind. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Here I go, it's now or never. I dialed the number and right before I pressed the green button, my hand went numb. What if Chris didn't want to speak to me? What if this was all a game. It's now or never, I told myself once again. I pressed the button.

"Hey." I spoke, my voice shaking.

"Who is this?" He asked, sounding angry.

I gulped. I knew it! I knew he wouldn't want to speak to me. I'm me.

"I swear, if you're the toothbrush company again, I don't want your fucking toothpaste and toothbrushes."

I felt myself laughing.

"No, no. It's uh,"

"Well, hello uh."

"It's Averi." I finished, sucking in my breath.

"Ah, Averi."

He remembered my name.

"So, why did Mr. Motionless give me his number?" I asked bluntly.

"Well, uh," He took a long pause. "You're cool and stuff."

"You're cool and stuff." I replied, chuckling.

I watched as the food I had been making begin to smoke.

"Shit shit shit." I screamed.

"W-What?!" He asked, worry filling his voice.

"F-Fire." I shout, before dropping my phone against the floor.


I bit my lip, wondering if I should be worried. I mean, I had only just met her. I found myself nawing at my lips, worry filling me completely.

"You look horrible." Josh stated, walking into the living room.

"Shut up." I said, rubbing at my temples.

What if she got hurt? I grabbed my cellphone, keys, and jacket.

"Where are you going?" Josh wondered.

"I have to save someone."

I rushed out to my car, swinging the door open. I felt as if I was taking this overboard. She'd be fine in the end. She'd better be. It's too soon Chris, you can't be feeling this way. I kept trying to tell myself that, but the way her giggle sent a shock down my spine when I wrapped my arms around her  waist, killed me.

"Chris! Wait! Who?" Josh shouted from the door.

"I'll inform you later, Officer Peppercorn!" I yelled, saluting.

On the millionth ring, Averi decided to pick up, thankfully. Was she trying to kill me?

"I'm coming to help, where's your house?"

"W-Why?" She stuttered. "You realize, I'm fine r-right?"

I finally convinced her after about 38464636 minutes of arguing and I wish I was kidding. I proceeded into her somewhat smokey house, it looks like she had it under control. Damn it, Chris, she had it under control. That's until I saw her laying still in the corner of the living room.

"Shit!" I yelped, running to her side.

"A-Averi?" I asked, shaking her shoulders.

"W-What? Who-" She began, fear rising in her voice.

"It's Chris." I spoke softly, I didn't want to frighten her.

"Chris?" She repeated, reaching for my hand.

"I'm here." I said, stroking her forehead.

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