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We sat in complete silence, until the smoke had cleared. I finally looked up to meet Chris's eyes. I smiled lightly, he had came to rescue me.

"Why did you do it?" I asked, looking down at the carpet.

"You're important." He smiled, reaching for my hand once again.

I held it tightly and smiled.

"I'm important?" I asked.

Chris nodded, scooting closer to me. I sat with complete happiness as our shoulders touched and our hands laid intact.

"You're important." He repeated, reaching up to cup my chin.

"Chris, you're not playing with me, r-right?" I stuttered.

"No, never." He muttered as our lips touched. I felt a spark and I watched as his eyes lit up.

"Thank you." I smiled, looking down at our hands.

It was nearly eight hours later and I felt the buzz of my phone go off.

"Erg." I groaned, exposing my face to the bright light.

"Turn it off." Chris muttered, covering his face with the covers.

Shit, he'd been here all night. No, no, no. I tried to remove my covers and found myself on the floor. I wish I wasn't so damn clumsy.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked, wiping his eyes.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

I wasn't okay, things were moving incredibly fast, and I was afraid.

"Chris," I began, shaking his waist and shoulders. "You need to leave."

"What time is it?"

"It's time for you to leave."

"Did I do something wrong?"


"Is something wrong?"

"No, please. Just leave, it's my fault."

I watched as Chris stood up and slipped his tee over his chest. He turned towards me and grinned but that smile soon faded.

"Be safe." He spoke weakly before he pulled the door shut, and that was it. 

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