Crawling from Hell

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I felt the gusty wind slap against my cheek. I winced, closing my eyes, and proceeding to lay my head on the table in front of me. I screwed up everything. I always do. I could feel the tears threatening to fall from my tired eyes. I hadn't slept. I hadn't eaten. I had let my emotions get the best of me.

"Motionless in White's new song is perfection."

"I know! Chris is yummy."

I growled to myself as a couple of girls walked past me blabbing about Motionless in White. I couldn't take it. Chris hadn't texted me in a month. I had sadness in the pit of my stomach at all times. I had a chance, a chance to be happy. What did I do with it? I blew it.

The second I walked into my house, my best friend was standing there, looking happy. Ew. What was happy?

"You know what you need? You need a break, from all of this." Sasha spoke, her eyes gleaming.

"I do." I replied weakly.

"He didn't deserve you. If he truly cared about you, he would've contacted you by now."

"Yeah." I agreed, nodding my head.

"You're coming with me, out of this shit hole called Scranton."

"Where are we going?" I smiled, finally. It had been too damn long.


I screamed loudly, pouncing onto Sasha.

"Would it be possible for you to calm your boobies?"

"Hm," I pondered. "Nah." 

- Fast foward to a week later-

I stood in front of the mirror, smiling. I was too excited, it's not everyday you get to go to Disneyland. I watched as Sasha walked in, leaning up against the door.

"You ready?" She asked, smiling.

"Just a second." I said as she walked out, nodding her head.

I straightened my colored hair and pulled it to the side. I haven't looked this good since the Motionless in White concert. I flinched. No, no. I couldn't have a single thought of Motionless in White and Chris for that matter today. I had to be happy. I wouldn't let my emotions get the best of me- not today. I wore a black strapless dress, with tainted black tights, and a pair of combat boots. I felt fabulous.

"Ready!" I shouted.

Sasha and I climbed into the car. She decided to drive, since I'd probably hit a few mailboxes, and a few houses if she let me. Needless to say, I'm a horrible driver.

"We're picking up my boyfriend." She reminded me, smiling.



"I'm forever fucking alone."

"He's here!" She yelped, watching the door open.

"Hi baby." She smiled, pulling him in for a kiss.

"Hey, my love."

"Ew, love. Ew, gross."

"Shut up asshole." She sassed.

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