Misplaced: Kara

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all of the science stuff is bullshit that I made up to further the story

Lena was in bed reading while Kara put the kids to bed. They didn't always get to see their Super-Mommy before they had to go to bed. Sometimes, instead, she had to be off saving the world. Whenever Kara was home though, she spent the extra time with them, getting them to sleep. On more than one occasion, Lena had watched Kara from the door-frame of their children's bedroom and seen her sleeping with their little son on her chest, and Aly tucked against her side.

However, this wasn't the case on this night, as Lena discovered when Kara flopped over into the bed, jostling the Luthor around.

"You've made me lose my page, Supergirl." Lena groans in a tone of mild exasperation.

"I'm sure that I'll be able to make it up to you somehow." Kara says teasingly, her tone dropping an octave lower. She propped herself up on her forearm and with a little super-speed; relieved Lena of her glasses and her book.

"The kids?" Lena asked, her breath coming more quickly at the sight of Kara's smirk.

"In bed."

"The city?" Lena asked disbelievingly.

"Safe for the moment." Kara's grin broadens as she stared adoringly at her wife.

"Alright then, feel free to make it up to me Mrs.Danvers." Lena smiles that one particular smile that she reserves for Kara and Kara alone.

Kara fell asleep hours later with Lena in her arms, content and totally satisfied.


When Kara woke up the next morning, she was alone in her bed and Lena was shaking the crap out of her.

"Who the hell are you and where am I?! I demand to be returned to the Luthor Mansion in Smallville... immediately." Lena glared at her and ordered, one of Kara's MetU t-shirts all that she was wearing.

"That's not funny, Lena. Come back to bed." Kara dismisses her and rolls over.

"Did I come home with you last night or something?" Lena looks only mildly concerned, but the expression on her face was much colder than Kara could remember having seen before.

"Lena, are you feeling okay? You live here... with me and the kids." Kara looks truly concerned. Lena Luthor had never been more confused.

For the first time in years, Kara pulled the sheet up to hide her nakedness from the woman that was supposed to be her wife.

"Kids? What kids?" Lena looks a bit more confused then and Kara realizes that something is really and totally wrong.

"Our children, Lena. Our daughter and son... what is wrong with you? Are you sick? I'm calling Alex." Kara decides, feeling tears prick at her eyes. She gropes around for her cell phone and prods at it ferociously. Without her usual extreme measures of control, her fingers went right through the flimsy device.

"Dammit." Kara curses and opens the nightstand drawer; promptly pulling out another phone to make the call on as though this was a regular occurrence.

"Alex, grab Mags and got over here fast, there's something wrong with Lena." Kara barks into the phone and hangs up without waiting for an answer.

"There's nothing wrong with me! I just want to know what I'm doing here!" Lena protests, still wary of the beautiful blonde that she had woken up next to.

"That's what's wrong, honey. We've lived here together for the past ten years." Kara pulls the sheet along with her and takes Lena's left hand in her own, holding it up so that she can see the wedding bands on their fingers.

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