Chapter 4

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Yo! It's @TheFigsAreComing! Enjoy my chapter homies! *sigh* How lame am I? Very.

Grace's P.O.V

As soon as the words that meant that me and Sora could be in a dance team again left the teacher's mouth, my eyes lit up in excitement and they hastily met Sora's brown pair which held a similar glint to my own.

A huge grin plastered itself upon my face automatically. Before we moved to California me and Sora belonged to an amazing crew back in New York called 'St.19' because we practiced on street 19. You see naming was a simple process. We danced every day whether it be with our crew or on our own at home.

Bring Bring Bring

The shrill noise that signalled the end of class flooded the dull and dreary classroom and broke me out of my current trance.

Sora immediately bounced to my side and I beamed at her. My face had 'Let's go sign up!' written all over it. She didn't need me to speak to know what I meant.

We both dashed out of the classroom and made our way to the gym where apparently the auditions are being held during first break and next period.

Halting to a stop, we were faced with two gigantic transparent doors. One had a simple sign that clearly read 'GYM' and the other had a poster (which some person evidently went all out for) that had 'dance audition' written in Bold red letters.

Sora squealed loudly and I jumped up and down, like a bunny on a sugar rush before pushing open the doors.

A whole bunch of teenagers were inside the room but were separated and placed on two different sides.

It didn't exactly take a genius to work out the fact that one side (with about 20 people) were the people currently on the team and the other side (with approximately 50 people) were the side waiting to audition. I think the varsity uniforms were a big give away.

Hmm, there's a lot of people that are interested in dance. Thats good, I think. Good as in people like dance but bad because there's only ten spots we have competition. Meh, nothing Grace and Sora can't handle.

"Grace! Grace get moving!" Said Sora from beside me. I turned to look at her and only then realised that I've been standing and staring. Oh well, weird people do weird things. That's a fact.

"Huh? Yeah? Oh! sorry" I smile sheepishly and started walking to the audition group.

There was a table set up with number stickers placed neatly upon it. We both grabbed one each. I got '58' and Sora had '59'. Huh... Guess there are more people than I though originally. Whatever, you know what they say, The more the merrier! Except that makes no sense in this situation because for us the more people here at tryouts the less chance of us making the team.

Did I lose you there? No. Okay that's good.

---Time Skip 1/2 An Hour---

30 minutes. Half an hour. 1/2 of 60 minutes. A quarter of 2 hours. 1/48 of a day.

That's how long I, Grace Rodriguez and my partner in crime, Sora Delane have been sitting here on the cold hard ground watching other people audition.

Some kids were Amazing with a capital A, some were 'meh' and others do I put this nicely...Rubbish? Okay, no that was sugar coating the situation. A girl walked up there and hopped in a circle for five minutes. Another boy walked in and sat on the ground with his legs crossed over and shuffled a bit on the floor. Let me tell you this, it wasn't pretty.

They were now on No.57, the last person before me and sora. We're gonna audition together.

The girl was a petite thing with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was very pretty and her talent backed up her beauty extremely well. She performed a brilliant ballet routine. Now i think that this is just me but one time when she posed for a split second she looked like a dog chasing a hotdog. Not looks wise but position wise. You don't have to believe me but I swear sometimes my mind surprises me.

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