Chapter 5

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Heyyy GUYSS this is @MissSwifty13 writing this chapter from my character's POV (Alexis)

These upcoming chapters are all on character POVs so you get a chance to know them and to have a feel of who they are :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter, if not just tell me ;)

Alexis POV

'-It was rare I was there , I remember it all too well'

I took a deep breath as I sang the last words -the final words. I fought back the tears threatening to spill.

It was over.

I honestly don't know why I chose that song, it was somehow too personal. And they needed to see it.

This was my first time singing to my friends. I had texted them an hour ago asking them to meet me here and all but Sora turned up. She texted me back 10 minutes later saying she was running late and she'd be there as soon as she could.


When I was 9, my mother used to take me singing lessons as a child and she was the one who encouraged me to follow my dream as a singer. She was the one who showed up at every contest and talent show. She was, pretty much, the coolest mom in California.

But on my 13th birthday, what I was hoping was going to be the start of many, happy, teenage years, was the worst.

The morning started out perfect. We had an enormous birthday breakfast, inviting all my relatives and cousins. Everything I had ever wanted was right here in front of me. I was happy and I was turning 14. What more could a girl ask for?

My mother had hugged me tight and told me that she was proud of me.

The girls and my father were planning a surprise party and my mother, supposedly, was out picking up the cake.

Hours past and she still hadn't returned. My father grew worried so he made me call her. After several attempts to ring her mobile she had finally picked up and told us not to worry and that she'd be home soon.

I wasn't really sure what happened next, but right before she picked up I could hear an ear-piercing noise coming from the other end of the receiver.

And that was the last time I had heard from her ever

According to the hospital, around 3:20, my mother had died in a car crash.

What I do know is, it was my fault.

~*End of flashback*

"So?" I asked quietly "How was it?"

Bridget was the first to reach me dragging me back to reality, she draped her arm across my shoulder and grinned. "Need you ask? You were amazing Lex and you know it"

Savannah was closely behind and she linked my free arm through hers.

"Sweetie, a talent like yours should be shared with the world!"

I smiled softly "Thanks, but I don't think screeching out All Too Well is exactly pur-fection"

"You know, too much modesty is bad for ya hon" drawled a voice. I swung my head back -so fast any normal person would pull a muscle, but then again I'm not exactly a typical girl from California- to see a familiar , stunning figure, lurking in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Grace?" She stepped away from the doorway and approached me.

" Now, Alexis Brooks." She said whislt trying to put on the best 'mom' face she could trigger. This failed miserably and only caused Bridget to burst out laughing "You're a very stubborn child".

"Am not!"

"Then admit you can sing" Grace declared. I opened my mouth to protest but closed it again looking like an idiot. Grace grinned at her achievement which only made me more infuriated.

Savannah tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and turned to Bridget with a mischievous smile forming on her lips.

You could tell she was up to something.

Bridget's eyes widened in horror whilst Grace smirked at her reaction. This was clearly something big. Was I missing something here?

" Hell no!"

" Ahh c'mon girl we all know how good you can sing" Savannah moaned. "Besides you and Lex would make a great duet at the 'American Teen Voice' competition this month" I clapped my hand over my mouth as if all the pieces were finally coming together and the bigger picture was becoming clear. I leaped towards Bridget and slapped her arm.

"Oh my god! You sing! Why the hell didn't you tell me!" She shrugged carelessly.

" I used to" She corrected. "And anyway, I didn't want to steal your spotlight"

I coughed at her use of words. " Steal? Are you kidding? I've been trying to find someone to sing with for the contest, arghhh Bridget Hayes... you know I could actually kill you right now!" I laughed sheepishly.

I pulled her into a warm embrace. "I'm sorry"

"Yeah, I figured"

"GIANT BEAR HUUUGG" Grace cheered and swiftly joined us with Savannah at her heel. I was so lucky to have such great friends like them. We stood there for a good 15 seconds before we realised we were missing someone.

" We need Sora" I sighed.

" Then it'd be perfect" Savannah agreed.


" AH AHAHAHA" Cried a petite voice. We all whipped our heads towards the door to find a mess of electric, purple hair running wildly towards us.

"Oh no! Someone stop her!" She was too quick. She leaped on Bridgets back and somehow we all tumbled down with her, our heads colliding.

" How do you guys like my Tarzan swing?" Sora said her eyes gleeming with satisfaction.

I glanced at Grace, Bridget and Savannah for approval, thankfully they both nodded-grace slightly smirking- I grabbed the nearest pillow and whirled it at her head.

"That, Miss Delane, was for being a fabuous model of Tarzan."

As long as I had them, I didn't need anyone else.

They are the best family I could ask for.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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