Chapter Seven:

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Finally an update! Yay! :D

Enjoy! c:



 Same night:

I hear a knock on my door. No, not a knock. A pounding. My eyes spring open and I moan. I turn over and look at my clock. It's almost freaking two in the morning.

That's when I remember Chase was coming back.

I fall out of bed and head downstairs. When I get to the end of the hall, I peek through the windows beside the door.

I open the door, and am greeted by Chase pushing his way in.

"Chase?" I say, rubbing my eyes. "What are you doing here so late?"

"We have to go." He heads for the stairs.

And then I notice the suitcase and duffle bags. "Go? Go where? Chase, what is wrong with you?"

"We have to leave. We have to get you away from here. Come on--" he stops on the stairs and turns to look at me. "Stuff these with as much stuff as you can." Then he takes off running up the stairs again.

I run after him. "What..."

"Here." He turns on the light and throws the bags on my bed. Then he turns to look at me standing dumbfounded in the doorway. "Come on!" He takes my hand and leads me to stand in front of my closet. He opens the doors, "There. Now we don't have much time."

Chase makes me make sure every door, window, opening of any sort is closed and locked securely before we leave.

Chase tosses my bags in the trunk of his car. I did what I was told and tried to pack everything I could.

"Why do I feel like this is an illegitimate kidnap?" I say, climbing in the passenger seat.

Chase opens the driver's door and climbs in. "If it was, you wouldn't be sitting beside me. You'd be in the trunk. Probably squished inside one of those suitcases."

"That's reassuring."

We've been just driving and driving for a long time to nowhere in particular. Oh my God, I'm so tired.

"Chase," I say sleepily. "Where are we going?"

 "Shh, just... I ... Okay, I honestly don't know."

 I sigh, and bang my head against the window. "Chase, I haven't wanted to kill you more than right now."

"Why did I even agree to come?" I say mostly to myself.

"Because you love me."

"Urgh!" I reach to push his arm when I realize that's not a good idea. You know, since he's driving.

Chase laughs at my pouting.

 It's really really late. And we're still on the road.

"Chase," I whimper exhaustedly. "I'm tired."

Chase sighs. "Alright, Nik. We'll stop at the first decent hotel I find."

Chase finds a Best Western and pulls in. We walk in and Chase walks up to the attendant. I stumble over to the door to the rooms, looking like a zombie. I'm in Chase's sweatshirt (don't ask how I'm in it, I have no idea).

I hear the attendant ask, "One or two beds?"

"Well, what do you say, babe? One or two?" Chase turns back and asks me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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