Chapter Four:

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Hey there!

Finally an upload. This one's long. :3 Yay!

There is a little spanish in here, but I'm terribly lazy tonight sooo....

I love you~ If you're ambitious to find out what exactly is being said, Google translate is your new best friend.


Enjoy! :D



I sit at my desk the next day with Chase's file in my hands, letting out an exasperated sigh. God, Chase. What am I going to do? I throw my arms on my desk and rest my chin on my hands. I've never done a case for someone I know. I'm not sure I'll be any help.

My office door bursts open, a familiar blonde bouncing in, and letting the door close behind her. Elizabeth clanks over to the front of my desk. She leans forward, gripping the edge of it; her bright green eyes huge.

"Hey, Nikki! What are you doing? You're going to miss our break! Besides, we have some things to discuss." I shift my gaze up to her just in time to see her wink, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

I sigh, pushing myself up from my seat. "Sorry, Liz. I kinda lost track of time."

Liz examines her bright red nails, waving one hand dismissively. "Oh, it's okay. It's that one case again, isn't it?" her eyes glow, and she bounces over to my side. "Oh my God, tell me, is he hot?"

Pfft, you woulda thought we were in high school, or at least collage.

I mentally roll my eyes. "Who?"

"Ohh!" she huffs, grabbing the file folder on my desk. She flips it open, and shoves it towards me. "Him!" she jabs her finger on the picture of Chase.

I take a minute to study his picture. It must be at least a few years old, because he looks the slightest bit different than he did when I saw him yesterday.

I giggle. "I don't know, you tell me." I turn it towards her.

"Oh." she whispers, her cheeks turning the slightest pink as realization hits her.

Suddenly, there's a knock at my door. Both Elizabeth and I jump slightly. "Come in!" I call. The door opens, revealing a charming, as usual, Jesse.

Jesse smiles, coming over to join us girls. "Hello, ladies!"

Elizabeth's face lights up. "Jesse! What a surprise! I was just coming to fetch Nikki for our break, would you like to join us?"

Jesse comes to stand in front of us. "Why, of course!"

Elizabeth beams, taking ahold of both my arm and Jesse's, dragging us towards the door. "Excellent! Come on, we should go grab lunch!"

Jesse and I lag behind her as we follow her out the door. Jesse turns to me and winks, a smirk forming. "Even better. An extra outing with my date!"

My cheeks heat up a bit. Elizabeth stops abruptly, causing me to smack right into her back face first. She turns around, eyes wider than saucers and jaw nearly reaching the center of the Earth. I rub my nose a little bit. Dang girl, she has a boney back! She looks at me, then Jesse.

"What?! Nikki? Wait, you guys are going out?!"

Right on time, Jesse puts his arm around my waist, pulling us to stand closer together. "Yep! We have a date tonight." he grins.

I stand there with an awkward smile on my face, not knowing what to say. I actually wish Jesse would remove his arm. I barely know him. He's nice and all, but we haven't even been on a date yet!

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