Landing in America and Crazy Fans.

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A couple hours later John and George were still fast asleep, John with his head back against his seat, and both of his arms still protectively around George as the younger boy slept with his head against John's chest, a death grip still on John's shirt.

Paul and Ringo both sighed once the plane landed. As much as they were both looking forward to finally landing and getting off the plane, they were both actually enjoying the peace and quiet for once, but now they were going to have to wake George and John up, and both Ringo and Paul knew how grouchy their fellow band members could get whenever they had to be woken up.

Both the eldest and second youngest Beatles looked at each other, both silently pleading with each other to please not let it be them to have to wake the sleeping boys up.

"Oh come on Paul! They've both known you the longest so really, you'd be the best one to wake them!" Ringo pleaded Paul with his best puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, I've known them the longest which means that I know how they'd both react if I woke them up, and it wouldn't be pretty! Anyway we both know that you and George get on the best with each other, so you'd be the best at waking them up!" Paul exclaimed rather dramatically, really not wanting to be the one to wake his friends up.

"What are you two chatting on about?"

Both boys stopped what they were taking about and turned in their seats to see John, obviously not very happy at being rudely awaken, rubbing sleepily at his eyes with an annoyed scowl on his face.

George had managed to stay asleep through all of this though, and the boy was still sleeping peacefully with his head against John's chest.

"Oh John! I'm glad your up! Now you get the job of waking up Ol' Georgie then!" Ringo said a bit too enthusiastically for John's liking.

John scowled at the older boy, making Ringo shrink into himself, not liking that look one bit.

"Oh yeah? And whys that then? I'm the one who got him to sleep, so now it's your job to wake him." John muttered grimly.

"Actually John, you didn't get him to sleep, you made him cry, which tired him out so much that he then fell asleep." Paul responded, but then immediately felt bad about saying that when John looked down at the sleeping boy on his lap with an ashamed look on his face.

"Thanks for reminding me there Paulie, as if I wasn't feeling bad enough about that already..." John answered, still feeling rather mad at himself about making his little brother cry.

Paul walked up to the older boy, who was still sitting with George in his lap, and placed a comforting hand on the older boys shoulder.

"Sorry about that John, I didn't mean it like that... but I'm glad you've now realised that your actions have consequences, and hopefully you'll be a bit more careful about what you do and say." Paul explained nicely, but firmly, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah... whatever Paulie... now both of you get out of here while I wake George, before I change my mind." John muttered with a slight scowl on his face.

Both Paul and Ringo grinned.

"Of course Johnny, whatever you say!" Paul happily replied and gladly left the room to get ready to leave, Ringo right behind him.

John sighed before looking down at the sleeping boy on his lap.

He just hoped George wasn't still upset about earlier.

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