Room Service and Nightmares.

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All four boys soon arrived at the hotel, they'd asked their driver to get them through the back so they wouldn't have to deal with any of the paparazzi and fans just yet, not after everything that'd just happened with George.

George was still on Paul's lap, his tear streaked face hidden in his older friends neck.

He wasn't so much upset anymore... he was more embarrassed.

It was bad enough that he'd cried on the plane, and ended up sleeping on John's lap, but now he'd done the exact same thing again, except now he was on Paul's lap! It seemed that he just couldn't catch a break.

"Hey Georgie, you feeling okay now mate?" Paul questioned quietly, running one of this hands though George's hair.

George lifted his face from Paul's shoulder, his face red from crying so much, and now from embarrassment.

George just nodded, and then quickly put his head back into Paul's neck.

He heard all of his older friends laugh at that, though not in a mean way, and he wasn't sure if it was possible that his face could turn any redder than it already was.

"Well, we're at the hotel Georgie, so you should probably get off my lap now, so we can get in there, and get your cheek all fixed up." Paul chuckled, with an affectionate smile.

Nope it was possible.

His face must look like a tomato by now.

He quickly jumped out off Paul's lap, and sat in the seat across from him, right next to John.

"Woah George, you could have at least waited until we got out of the car! There's no paps or fans out here, relax." Paul stated calmly.

George just nodded, and looked down at this hands, at loss for words at the moment, and still very red in the face.

Soon they are all quietly escorted into the hotel, and up to their rooms.

As soon as they were in their hotel room, John grabbed a hold of George's arm, walking towards the bathroom.

"Alright Georgie, let's get you all cleaned up." John stated calmly, but with slight amusement in his voice.

A couple minutes later, all the amusement was gone from John's voice, and was replaced with clear annoyance.

"For god sake, George! Stay still!" John yelled, while trying to clean his youngest friends face.

"Stop it John! Your hurting me!" George screamed back, trying to keep the tears from falling.

He was not going to cry again. No way.

"Stop being such a wuss, and sit still! I'm nearly done!" John demanded, starting to get angry.

George just whimpered as John finished cleaning his face, which thankfully ended quicker than he thought it would.

"There all done! Now that wasn't so bad, was it Georgie?" John cooed mockingly, while pinching George's undamaged cheek, walking off, before the younger could yell at him about it.

George grumbled to himself, before walking back into the bedroom, where all of the other boys were.

"Alright boys, we've got a big interview tomorrow, so we're going to need a full nights rest, if we're going to wake up nice and early in the morning!" Paul informed his three band mates.

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